How To Fight Sadness The Natural Way

Sadness is a natural and healthy feeling that is part of the complex repertoire of human emotions. However, it is not good to feel it all the time. Know how to push it away naturally!
How to fight sadness in a natural way

Sadness is a natural and healthy feeling that is part of the complex repertoire of human emotions. Throughout life, we all feel sadness for various reasons, but when it becomes chronic and lasts for a long period of time or when we lose the joy of living, a plan is needed to overcome the melancholy and regain the will to live.

Otherwise, we’ll go into depression, a condition in which the brain’s chemistry changes, and one suffers from a deficit of so-called “feel good hormones” such as serotonin and endorphins.

Fortunately, sadness can be fought naturally, and in this article, we’ll show you how:

Physical exercise to fight sadness

1. Practice physical exercise to fight sadness

Physical exercises, especially aerobics, which increase the heart rate, make us feel very euphoric and well-being, before, during and after your practice.

Cycling, walking, jogging, swimming, playing soccer or playing any other sport regularly (about 3 times a week) may be all it takes to say goodbye to sadness.

In addition, sweat helps to detoxify the body, making it lighter. Even more, you will lose weight and tone your muscles, improving your self-esteem.

Doing group activities is even better as you can make friends. Exercising outdoors is also a unique remedy for bringing joy and well-being naturally to your body, mind and soul.

 Consume raw foods to fight sadness

2. Consume raw foods

Processed foods contain many preservatives and other toxic substances that diminish our energy and vitality, giving the impression that we are always sad.

On the other hand, cooked foods also lack live nutrients, which contribute to health and provide more energy.

You can search on sites of people who are adept at the raw food diet to know recipes that use raw foods, and consume more fruits and vegetables in a natural way. Other suggestions:

— Dried fruits
— Seeds and sprouts, such as bamboo
— Fermented foods, such as kefir or sauerkraut
— Seaweed
— Mushrooms (not pickled)

3. Take good care of your nervous system

The nervous and emotional systems are closely linked, so much so that it is difficult to know when one’s performance ends and when the other’s begins.

Have you ever noticed that when you receive good news and have positive thoughts about the future, happiness appears, and vice versa? When our thoughts are clouded, our emotions follow suit.

Therefore, to take good care of your nervous system, reduce the stress level in your life as much as possible.

So, eliminate toxic relationships, nurture good friendships, take time to spend with your loved ones, rekindle romance in your life and invest in a diet that is good for the nerves. Get to know some ingredient tips:

Take good care of your nervous system to fight sadness

Brewer’s yeast:  just mix a few scoops with vitamins, juices, soups and creams to notice an improvement.
Pollen:  pollen can be a good supplement for those who want to strengthen immunity and gain more energy.
Cocoa:  pure cocoa is rich in nutrients that regulate the nervous system and contribute to well-being. Consume in moderation.
Oatmeal: in  addition to being very nutritious, it helps to reduce anxiety and nervousness. Oats are a slow-digesting fiber that favors intestinal transit, eliminating toxins from the body.

4. Massages with essential citrus oils

Good Diet Helps Avoid Sadness

Using essential oils such as lemon, orange, grapefruit and pineapple, massage yourself or schedule a session with a professional massage therapist. The practice contributes to the health of the circulatory system, relaxes muscles, and can be very invigorating.

Citrus essential oils have energizing properties that fight sadness and bad mood. Choose organic oils without chemical substances, so the body can absorb them without unpleasant side effects.

In addition, it is also possible to perfume the rooms of the house with essential oils, using an infuser, an air freshener or spraying a mixture of water and essential oils.

5. Listen to good music to ward off sadness

Good music is music you like and enjoy listening to. Make lists of your favorite songs and listen to them while you exercise, while cooking, relaxing or walking outdoors.

That way, don’t let other people’s fads or opinions affect you. Choose the songs and songs that help you relax the most, whose lyrics inspire you and bring you a good mood.

Also, if you know how to play an instrument, try playing your favorite songs. It’s also worth making the effort to go to the concerts of your favorite artists.

6. Bet on color therapy

Colors are very much related to emotions. Have you ever noticed that when you enter an environment of a certain color, your mood also changes?

For example, orange, red and yellow are colors that give energy, resemble the Sun, light and vibrations closer to the Earth, vitalizing the physical body and emotions.

On the other hand, green is the color of nature, and it brings harmony and balance, ideal for combating stress and balancing moments of euphoria and sadness.

For those who want peace and well-being, the color turquoise is an excellent option, as it brings serenity and increases the connection with the divine in us and around us.

Also, use colors not only in your home decor and work environment, but also in clothing. Having a wardrobe in all the colors of the rainbow is a good investment in emotional health.

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