How To Make A Homemade Gelatin Flavoring

In addition to not containing dangerous chemicals, the advantage of this aromatizer is that you’ll be able to customize it with your favorite aromas, and even combine several of them without having to spend too much.
How to prepare a gelatin-based homemade flavoring

Surprise yourself with this homemade flavoring! The aroma of our home is one of the aspects that concern us most when carrying out cleaning tasks.

For everyone, it is very pleasant and healthy to be able to smell a delicious perfume in every room in the house, including the living rooms and rest areas.

The problem is that commercially available chemical flavorings are not entirely good, as many of their components affect the environment and health. Although they are economical and come in different colors, aromas and formats, it has been proven that their daily use can be quite harmful.

Luckily, there are some natural alternatives that, for a very affordable price, will help you scent your home without causing unwanted side effects.

That’s why, in this article, we’ll share a simple formula based on gelatine and essential oils with which you will perfume your home with a homemade flavoring with natural fragrance and free of toxins.

Homemade and ecological flavoring based on gelatine


The homemade flavoring we present below is a product made with natural ingredients that, unlike chemicals, release a natural aroma without harming the health of the lungs.

It is prepared from the combination of unflavored gelatin with essential oils, which results in a gel flavoring with characteristics similar to those sold in stores and supermarkets.

The fragrance can vary depending on the tastes of each, according to the desired combination of oils.

In addition, optionally, you can add dried flowers, shells or decorative elements that will certainly give a very special touch to your home.

In this case, we propose a fresh eucalyptus and citrus aroma, obtained with the combination of eucalyptus, lemon and orange oil.

Also, you can store it in small containers to place it in strategic and closed places, such as closets and the bathroom.


  • 1 pack of unflavored gelatin
  • 2 cups of cold water (500 ml)
  • 1 spoon of salt (10 g)
  • 25 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
  • 3 drops of lemon essential oil
  • 2 drops of sweet orange essential oil
  • 1 drop of bergamot essential oil
  • 10 drops of dye
  • 1 tablespoon of vodka (10 ml) (optional)
  • decorative bottles

How to make?

  • First, bring the water to a high heat to a boil.
  • When it comes to the boil, add the unflavored gelatin and mix with a wooden spoon, until completely dissolved.
  • Add the spoon of salt and the second cup of water, and continue to mix.
  • Then mix the essential oils with the dye and combine them with the gelatin.
  • Before solidifying, place the flavoring in small molds or decorative jars.
  • Although it’s not necessary, you can add a little vodka to extend its shelf life.
  • Then leave the product uncapped and wait a few hours for the mixture to cool completely.
  • Finally, when you have acquired the consistency and aroma you want, place it in the spaces in the house that you prefer.

Home flavoring: aspects to consider

essencial oils

The delicious aroma of this homemade flavoring is perfect to neutralize the unpleasant odors that can be concentrated in some areas of the house.

Therefore, place them near garbage cans, in damp environments or at the entrances to the house.

But keep in mind that while your fragrance isn’t as strong as commercial products, it’s healthier for both the environment and your family.

If you want, you can also combine aromas such as:

Sweet basil and lemon

  • 20 drops of sweet basil essential oil
  • 8 drops of lemon essential oil

orange and rosemary

  • 25 drops of sweet orange essential oil
  • 5 drops of rosemary essential oil


  • 30 drops of lavender essential oil

Lavender, thyme and lemon

  • 20 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 5 drops of thyme essential oil
  • 2 drops of lemon essential oil

Take the time to prepare them at home and see that they are an interesting way to enjoy a pleasant aroma without exposing yourself to the harmful effects of chemical products.

Also, if you use a little creativity, you can decorate the jars so that they blend in perfectly with the other elements of your home.

Get to work!

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