How To Prevent A Stroke?

Considering that there are many factors that we cannot control regarding stroke, it is essential to lead a healthy life, exercise and have a balanced diet to minimize the risks
How to prevent a stroke (CVA)?

It is quite logical to think that in a full and healthy life, a person can suffer a cerebrovascular accident (CVA). At least you don’t see the immense probabilities that for some this could happen.

In most cases, the best is always predicted and never the worst. This happens with respect to stroke; but what is it in reality?

Stroke (CVA)

hand with brain

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), stroke (CVA) is one of the most common cardiovascular disorders worldwide, including above heart disease.

Furthermore, it claims that it is one of the leading causes of death worldwide.

People most affected by a stroke are between 40 and 60 years old. In addition, it usually presents as attacks or strokes.

In short, a stroke is the lack of blood circulation in the brain area.

Furthermore, danger rates increase due to the lack of overt symptoms and the lack of oxygen related to the failure of blood flow.

Types of Stroke 

Stroke can be divided into two types:

  • Ischemic accident: caused by arterial obstruction. According to the American Heart Association, they account for 87% of brain attacks.
  • Hemorrhagic accident: in turn, this type of accident is caused by blood spills, whether in the brain or in the subarachnoid area.

Reasons for the accident

Cholesterol in the veins can trigger a stroke

No person is exempt from suffering from this type of problem in their life. However, those in the mentioned age range are more likely.

Thus, there are a number of reasons or incident factors that determine stroke:

  • Lack of physical activity: not performing even the minimum or basic amount of physical activity.
  • Overweight or obesity: the greater the weight, the greater the possibility of suffering an accident of this type.
  • Gender: Generally speaking, men are more likely to have a stroke. However, women can also suffer from it.
  • Pregnant condition: during and after pregnancy (a few weeks), the chances of suffering this health problem increase.
  • Genetic inheritance: when one of the parents suffered from the disease, it is more likely that the person will also suffer.
  • Certain diseases: such as atrial fibrillation, diabetes, stress, high cholesterol, high blood pressure.
  • Problems related to the circulatory system: artificial valves, transplants or weak arteries.
  • Cigarette addiction.

Is it possible to prevent stroke?

To minimize the chances of suffering from this problem, some recommendations should be followed:

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avoid smoking

Cigarette can trigger a stroke

It is worth mentioning the immense damage caused by cigarettes in the body, especially in the peripheral circulatory system, associated with the disease in question.

Therefore, one of the recommendations has to do with stopping using nicotine. If you can’t let go, at least do it gradually.

perform physical exercises

It is recommended to comply with minimal physical exercise to lead a life full of healthy habits and styles.

Thus, performing at least 30 minutes of physical activities will reduce the chances of suffering from this problem.

maintain or lose body weight

As for this advice, it will depend on the person, as we are not all of the same weight.

  • In case someone is obese or overweight, you should try to reduce it little by little. If, on the contrary, the person is within the ideal weight considered healthy, it is necessary to maintain that weight.

Avoid drug use

Drugs can trigger a stroke

Both in the cases of legalized and illegal ones, drugs can represent an enormous risk to the body.

Furthermore, in case you need any medication, it is essential that it be prescribed by a specialist.

eat healthily

A healthy, balanced diet is essential for enjoying good health.

So, to reduce the risk of suffering a stroke, try to include it in your daily life.

  • fruit
  • Whole grains
  • Proteins
  • Chicken
  • Fish
  • vegetables

Still, avoid precooked foods and those with excess harmful fats.

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