How To Use Tea Bags For Eyes

Tea bags can help alleviate eye conditions as well as reduce dark circles and bags under the eyes. Anima to test them? Know more!
How to use tea bags for eyes

Did you know that you can use tea bags for your eyes? Many of us, due to stress, lack of sleep or even genetics, it is possible to appear bags and dark circles that affect the beauty of our face.

Today you will find out what ways you can use tea bags to solve these problems. If you have a job interview or any other commitment and you want your appearance to be perfect, you can use the options that we will explain below.

tea bags

Woman with tea bag in her eye

Caesalpinia pulcherima

The  pulcherrima Caesalpinia,  also known as Flamboyanzinho, can help treat different diseases in the eye. For example, if your eyes look tired right after you’ve slept poorly, this type of tea bag can go down very well.

This is thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of this herb, which also helps to de-inflame the liver, lower fever and even treat bronchitis and asthma.

However,  used topically allows to reduce dark circles and bags under the eyes, as follows:

  • First, prepare an infusion as usual.
  • Then let it cool a little.
  • Once it’s warm, apply the bag over each eye.
  • Finally, depending on the severity of the bags, leave for fifteen minutes or more.

Chamomile feverfew

Chamomile infusion to relieve tired eyes

Chamomile is one of the traditional remedies for treating eye conditions. However, although many recommend it to treat eye conditions, it is very important to be careful when using it.

The reason is stated in the study  Ocular adverse effects of systemic drugs. It is noted that certain people may be sensitive to some of the herb’s allergens.

In case you do not have any type of allergy and your skin does not react negatively to chamomile, you can benefit from its use. Make sure the tea bags are tightly closed so that no pieces can enter the eye and cause conjunctivitis.

How does chamomile benefit us? This herb treats inflammation in this very sensitive area of ​​our face  and allows us to enjoy a more awake look.

Foeniculum vulgare

The  Foeniculum vulgare  is an herb with which it is prepared fennel infusion. In this sense, using the tea bags of this herb over the eyes will help relieve tired eyes that can become irritated if we work in front of the computer or have little rest.

Also, it can help with other problems, for example:

  • Conjunctivitis:  Applying tea bags over each closed eye for a maximum of ten minutes will help reduce irritation and itching. Also, remember that this condition is extremely contagious, both viral and bacterial.
  • Blepharitis:  is an inflammation that appears at the edge of the eyelids. It courses with inflammation, dryness, tearing and other very uncomfortable symptoms. Fennel tea bags allow you to relieve them. It can also help if you have a sty.

Advice for dark circles and bags under the eyes

Woman with tea bags in eyes

As you can see, tea bags help to deal with problems like dark circles, bags under the eyes, but also with conditions like conjunctivitis. However, we want to share one last piece of advice for the treatment of dark circles and bags under the eyes. It involves putting the tea bags in the fridge and using them cold.

The cold stimulates circulation and favors the drainage of liquids around the eyes. Hence it is possible to use the aforementioned tea bags. Just leave them in the fridge for a few minutes and then place them over your eyes for 10 minutes.

Do you often have eye problems? Have bags and dark circles often? We hope these remedies can help you, however, remember to be very careful with the chamomile infusion.

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