I Learned To Be Strong When I Realized I Had To Get Up By Myself

Even though it sounds harsh, only we have ourselves, and that is why we must learn to overcome adversity, prioritize ourselves and take care of ourselves above all.
I learned to be strong when I understood that I had to get up by myself

To be happy, you must first learn to be strong, and to do that it is necessary to understand that we are the only ones responsible for achieving this.

No one will bring you air for you to breathe, no one will give you the strength to get up in the morning, if you don’t convince yourself first.

Strength is a combination of energy, motivation, self-esteem and delusion. There are four pillars that can be affected by external factors such as a toxic relationship, very long periods of stress or anxiety, or daily disappointments that we don’t face properly.

We invite everyone to reflect on this in order to apply simple strategies with which to manage life’s complications a little better.

when life asks you to be strong

A very common phrase from the celebrated physicist and scientist Stephen Hawking is that “complaining is useless and a waste of time”. We have the right to do so, there is no doubt about that, but when someone finds himself in a complex and difficult situation, there is no other remedy: only we can get out of the abyss.

Recognizing this is hard but necessary. The support of our loved ones, family, friends and social institutions is essential, but the step towards improvement and the conviction that we have to draw strength from weakness is an act that must come from the depths of our hearts.

Strong woman

Nobody chooses to be weak. Circumstances are the ones that “hurt us” to put us to the test. In times of adversity, it is necessary to change our thinking and control our emotional world.

We’ll teach you how to do this, and encourage you to apply these simple strategies that you can reflect on to learn how to be strong when life “puts you to the test.”

Trust in change: being strong just depends on you

Those who love you can help you stand up, but if your legs can’t support each other and your mind tells you that you’d rather stay in bed, help from others won’t do you any good.

Being strong depends on you, and to achieve this you need to start applying simple everyday changes:

  • Apply positive self-talk in everyday life. Just as you strive to eat better, or to do a little physical activity, from now on, eliminate from your mind the “it’s not possible”, “today I can’t”, “I’m not capable”, “this is not for me ”.
  • Change your thinking and you will change your emotions. Day after day you will feel more secure emotionally.

Accept and understand that life is also about giving up and letting go

Another idea that’s been sold a lot lately in self-help books is the need to let go of things and people. However, we know that this is neither simple nor very realistic.

blow dandelion
  • We attach ourselves to the people we love because that’s how we conceive of happiness. Giving and receiving is the ultimate sense of joy and therefore it is almost impossible for us not to be attached to our family, children and partner.
  • However, it would be important to understand that in life nothing is safe, that what we have today may be lost tomorrow. Learning to let go, to let go, is something we should be prepared for.
  • The acceptance of pain, separation and loss is the key to readjusting our lives. “I accept that you don’t love me anymore, it hurts me, but I understand that I must go forward on my own, being strong and loving me.”

take care of yourself and reward yourself

The best care is not what others offer you, but what you offer yourself. What does that mean? Think for a few seconds in these dimensions:

  • If we tell ourselves that life is not going to offer us anything good, that our train has already passed, and that love, respect, or happiness will no longer appear in our reality, we will be self-sabotaging.

Even more, as the saying goes: “there is no worse enemy than one’s own thoughts”.

Woman in boat learning to be strong

Change your attitude and you will change your life

It’s that easy. Stop prioritizing others so much and be aware that if you don’t take care of yourself, no one will do it for you.

If we don’t show ourselves respect, we will push the boundaries too far for others to cross and take advantage of us.

  • Now, think about this question as well: when did you last congratulate or reward yourself? To be strong, it is necessary to understand that we deserve to be happy, enjoy and present positive emotions to ourselves.
    • Go for a walk, allow yourself to enjoy the “here and now”, develop a full awareness with which to see the essence of our surroundings, the light, the noises of people laughing, your lovely face in a reflection of glass.
    • Give yourself a simple gift : a lunch, an afternoon at the beach, a new dress, a different haircut, an outing with friends…

The moments of happiness remind us of the need to preserve what we love, what we must fight for and be strong.

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