If You Don’t Cry, Your Body Will

Even though we’ve always been told that crying is something only weak people do, the truth is, it’s liberating. If you don’t cry, it’s possible that your emotions will overflow and not allow you to be happy.
If you don't cry, your body will

If you don’t cry, your body will do it for you. Because if you try so hard to hold on, to hold back and hold back everything that struggles to get out of you, in the end , everything will end up exploding.

We are not meant to fill ourselves up and hold on to feelings and emotions that we could have expressed, manifested, and released at the right time.

The fear of how others will react, what they will say about us or if we will be rejected, makes us keep inside what, sooner or later, will come out in a rush by itself.

If you don’t cry, you will start to suffer

Woman who suffers but cannot cry

If you don’t cry, get ready to suffer, to live a life full of sadness, desolation, depression, anguish…

You have every opportunity for this not to be the case. Keeping everything to yourself will not be walking the right path.

Let’s take an example. Imagine that your partner always puts his feet on the table. You never told him anything, maybe because at first you wanted to believe it didn’t bother you.

When we’re in love, we don’t see things well. What happens when this phase ends? Reality lashes us and what we used to do because it didn’t bother us now irritates us a lot.

Undoubtedly, one thing you will do is blame the other person. Occasionally, you’ll release a “ You know I don’t like it ”, or you’ll just frown to let your partner know what you don’t like.

However, if you don’t produce any changes in your favor, you’ll hang on and on, keep pouting, until one day, for whatever reason, you explode.

The big mistake of this was believing that something did not bother him that, yes, does, and not expressing it in its opportune moment, considering that, sooner or later, this would not happen again.

We are facing one of our most dire misconceptions: the world of expectations.

Your body alerts you when you are not well

girl who doesn't like to cry

If you have made it your way of life to bear, absorb, and keep to yourself everything you feel, then your body will begin to alert you.

Frequent headaches, an upset stomach, eczema, or any other problem can be a warning that something inside you is not right.

It’s important not to ignore all of this.

We may not know what is happening to us. Sometimes all of this is the result of a past experience that we don’t remember very well.

If you are limiting your life, if you have periods of anxiety or feel sick most of the time and don’t feel happy, listen to your body.

He is wise. Through it, we can analyze ourselves to get to the center of every subject. The body does not react for nothing.

Body and mind are connected. If you ignore the problem, you cannot help noticing the aches and pains your body will manifest.

All this goes beyond. If you don’t ask yourself, don’t look inside and realize the great damage it’s doing to you, stomach upset can turn into skin problems like eczema, develop into a circulatory problem, and then into a dermatitis of the scalp.

The body reveals problems until you put an end to what is making you miserable.

Beliefs, traumas and experiences

sad and crying woman

Our problems are caused by beliefs, traumas and experiences that we do not choose to install in our minds or experience.

However, all of this can be an opportunity to open your eyes, learn and let go.

This fear of saying “no” may come from a belief or trauma you’ve been dragging along since you were a child.

This great fear of saying what you feel the moment you notice it can be caused by a negative experience that has caused you low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence.

Don’t submit to all of this. There is no reason to conform.

Every trauma and experience is an opportunity for you to become who you really want to be.

woman who doesn't cry

So remember: if you don’t cry, your body will. Start crying when you need to to free your body of any kind of discomfort.

Ready to choose well-being over unhappiness?

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