In Your Worst Moments You Will Know Who Deserves To Be In The Best

These people who help us not to fall into difficult times, who offer us their time and affection without asking for anything in return, are also the ones who should share the celebrations when we reach our goals.
In your worst moments you will know who deserves to be in the best

Time is the best gift we can give to those we love.

Somehow, we  distinguish who we should give our time to and thank those who give us their, especially if they do it with pleasure and without asking for anything in return. This gratitude is even greater when the people we care about share with us moments in which we enjoy their company.

It’s wonderful to have people in life who are there when we need them to be, when we feel listened to and supported, protected by their support and care. Let’s delve into this subject.

Our PEOPLE, with capital letters and first

These same people who support us keep us close for the simple fact that they don’t want us far away, even when we are the best company, since we have a very contagious virus: discouragement.

Hopelessness is a pathogen that, when it shuts you to the bone, is very difficult to scare away.

Furthermore, they are the only people who can be aware of how difficult it was to reach our goals.

So difficult times are the hand of this realistic designer who portrays the degree to which we care about the people we love.

In difficult moments, support pushes us forward

The degree of automation that exists in our current lives is very large. If we counted the number of tasks we do throughout the day without thinking we would be amazed. We got up, got in the shower, dried off, got dressed, had breakfast. That way, we can go through the whole day without realizing anything.

However, if the bad moments are characterized by something, it is because this automation is disconnected. Something for which we would not need strength in a normal state, amidst the sadness becomes a real wall complicated to climb.

Faced with this continual exercise of efforts, the fact that we have people around us who are willing to support us makes our tasks easier.

It’s not easy to support someone at a bad time.

Sadness does not make people pleasant or attractive. They may feel inspired to write or paint pictures, but this makes them more introverted, isolated and retreating into themselves.

Their gaze turns inward and it seems they can only connect with us when we share their focus of attention.

They become picky, thinking the world owes them one. It is very easy that, in case of frustration, it is discharged as they can, for lack of being able to ask fate to account.

On the other hand, their discouragement translates into a lack of attention to the needs and problems of others. It may even be that, even though it does not go unnoticed, the bitterness they feel at that moment fills them in such a way that they cannot empathize with others.

Celebrating the good times is giving thanks

Giving yourself to time and sharing it is a gift, inviting to a celebration is a form of thanks.

A symbol of recognition for the people who have always been with us and who did not allow us to throw in the towel at times when the temptation seemed too great.

Celebrating, despite all the good it symbolizes, is sometimes not very well considered socially. It’s as if by sharing our joy for an achievement we would settle for it.

Celebration is often associated with a lack of prudence and seriousness. To the lack of control of instincts and emotions.

In this way, when we repress joy, we are punishing ourselves, even though we have achieved a great achievement with a lot of effort.

Celebrations are necessary because life and friends, the real ones, remain just as worthy and valuable as before.

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