Learn How Soft Drinks Are Bad For Our Bodies

Excessive soda consumption can affect the kidneys, teeth, and can even cause heart problems.
Learn how sodas are bad for our bodies

We already know this, but it doesn’t hurt to remember that soft drinks are bad for our bodies. These products are manufactured based on chemicals and dyes that compromise your organs, which manifests itself through adverse reactions in the body.

Below we show the most harmful effects of refrigerants on some specific organs.

Soft drinks and liver

Liver cirrhosis is related to excessive consumption of dark drinks.

Health experts indicate that 600 milliliters of soda a day accelerate the process of this disease. Perhaps knowing the harm these drinks do to your body will convince you to avoid them.

If someone consumes a liter of soda a day, the probability that a fair amount of fat accumulates in the liver increases fivefold.

Soft drinks and kidneys

Soft drinks

The high phosphoric acid content of these products helps produce kidney stones. According to analyzes carried out by experts, people who do not consume soda are less likely to have lithiasis.

Experts point out that the daily consumption of sugar should not exceed three tablespoons. An individual bottle or can of soda contains around seven tablespoons of sugar, not to mention the amount of additives and preservatives.

These products are made from refined sugars, that is, processed sugar, which lacks nutrients. Once inside the body, it requires B-complex vitamins to be metabolized. The process will absorb this vitamin from the body, causing unfavorable factors such as tiredness and poor digestion.

Soft drinks and overweight

A bottle containing 500 milliliters of soda is enough to provide 1/10 of the calories you need to consume daily. Doctors indicate that consuming each can of soda increases the risk of obesity 1.6 times.

How are soft drinks bad for your teeth

Women smiling

The enamel gets damaged and the tooth acquires a yellowish hue due to sugar and dyes. Remember that the appearance of caries is due to the demineralization of the tooth caused by the consumption of acidic products, which come from the fermentation of food leftovers.

It is known that the pH of soft drinks is on average 2.4, which accelerates the demineralization of teeth.

sodas and bones

With frequent consumption, the body stops absorbing calcium and bones lose great density. Children also suffer the consequences and are the most vulnerable.

For doctors, the risk of suffering from osteoporosis will depend on the amount of bone mass that can accumulate during the first years of life.

They claim that lower calcium absorption from soft drink consumption is associated with an increase in fracture cases among teenagers and children.

Studies indicate that excessive consumption of refined sugar and caffeine largely promotes calcium loss.

Heart problems

heart health

Research shows that people who drink a liter of soda or more a day are 50% likely to suffer a metabolic syndrome, which over time leads to heart disease and even diabetes.

Soft drink content

These drinks are made with high levels of additives, which gives an attractive color to the liquid. However, they cause different changes, such as allergies and hyperactivity in children.

  • Caramel coloring. This attractive hue is used for sugary brown drinks. Its tone is reached by mixing sugar with nitrates and sulfates that are subjected to high pressure. Its consumption causes blood alterations and cancer in laboratory animals.
  • Carminic acid, E120. Causes reduced growth in laboratory animals.
  • Yellow dye 5, tartrazine or E102. It causes asthma, runny nose and hives if mixed with pain relievers such as aspirin.

It is not a question of banning the consumption of sugary drinks, but of reducing the daily amounts, taking into account how much they can affect the health of the body and vital organs.

Its chemical components help to accelerate several diseases, such as diabetes, among others.

Main image courtesy of wikiHow.

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