Learn How To Choose The Best Pacifiers For Babies

The use of pacifiers by babies is surrounded by more than one debate. However, if you decide to use them, get to know some tips to choose the best one for your child.
Learn how to choose the best pacifiers for babies

If you have or will have a child, at some point you will wonder how to choose the best pacifiers for your baby. You will look for the highest quality ones, however, you will find yourself facing a great variety. However, what do experts say?

In this article we share some tips for you to know how to choose the best pacifiers for your baby. Because every day you get information to  provide your child with the best. Read on!

Pacifiers, yes or no?

Before you start choosing between the best pacifiers for your baby, it will certainly come to your mind  whether or not to buy them. Like everything else in the baby world, there are great arguments for and against these items.

The use of a pacifier is very common in many cultures as a comforting object for the baby. However,  there are different options in terms of shape, material and even time of use.

  • Overall,  its biggest plus is its relaxing effect. Nowadays, it is even claimed that it can reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. 
  • On the other hand, the opinions against focus on the possibility that  this non-nutritive sucking habit impairs lactation. It is also related to dental malformations, recurrent acute otitis media and an increased risk of accidents, among others;

General recommendations

mother taking the baby's pacifier

Despite this widespread debate, there is a consensus on three recommendations regarding the pacifier:

  • Do not give the baby a pacifier before the first fifteen days of life.
  • Restrict it gradually from 8 months.
  • Completely suppress it when your child is 1 year old.

How to choose the best pacifiers for your baby

First, when choosing the best pacifiers for your baby, you  should take into account some factors, such  as age, if you have difficulties to breastfeed, etc.

There are some general indications regarding form and material that we will detail below. However, do n’t forget to specify your baby’s needs  when it comes to finding out.

1. The form

used pacifier

When choosing a pacifier, think about whether it will be  able to clean properly. It is possible to observe if the form does not make holes or spaces that can keep the humidity and promote the appearance of mold.

In addition, it  is important that the pacifier is in one piece. That is, that it does not have, for example, the wing that could break, which would imply a great risk for the baby.

2. The material

The most suitable material for the baby’s pacifier is  soft silicone, medical grade and Bisphenol A free.  This substance, known in its abbreviated form as BPA, is related to different diseases such as hormonal changes and cancer.

Therefore, it is good to take into account that the material will be at a hot and humid temperature. These factors facilitate the release of this compound and other toxicants. Therefore,  pacifiers with BPA are totally inadvisable. 

Regarding the material, it is also important to think about cleaning. Unlike silicone, for example,  latex promotes the proliferation of bacteria more easily.

3. Specific baby pacifier needs

Pacifiers suitable for baby
  • There are special pacifiers to facilitate breastfeeding. They mimic the shape of the nipple and even have a similar texture that adapts to the pressure of the baby’s mouth. These pacifiers force you to place your tongue in the same way as if you were nursing.
  • There are also pacifiers developed especially for premature babies,  including those born before 30 weeks. They are lighter and smaller and mimic the shape of a newborn’s thumb.
  • Finally,  orthodontic pacifiers promote proper development of the oral cavity. They have the right shape for the correct growth of the mouth and teeth. However, not all babies like them and, moreover, if the position is changed, they are no longer effective.

Once you’ve chosen the pacifier,  know that your baby should like the item too. Sometimes, it’s possible that they focus more on the flashy aspect or that after tasting it they don’t like it anymore. So, be patient and follow these tips to at least ensure maximum quality and safety for your child.

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