Light Dinners That Take Care Of Your Weight

Combining light foods such as lean meats and vegetables allows us to prepare light dinners to lose weight and improve health.
Light dinners that take care of your weight

To maintain a healthy weight, it’s important to know how to design light, low-calorie dinners. Although for a long time we have been used to eating “anything” at this time of day, today we know that it is essential to make good choices to take care of our appearance and health.

Therefore, it is essential to eat every day, considering that dinner is the smallest and lightest meal we should have. Do you want to learn how to make light dinners that take care of your weight? This time we share 5 interesting options. Don’t hesitate to try them out!

1. Red salad with beets and celery

Light dinners that take care of your weight: Red salad

One of the best recipes for light meals is this delicious red beet salad. Due to its interesting combination of ingredients, it is a dish loaded with dietary fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. The best thing about it? It’s very low in calories!


  • 1 cup of beet cubes (200 g)
  • 1 chopped celery stalk
  • ½ cup grated carrot (100 g)
  • 1 chopped onion
  • ¼ cup of orange juice (62 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (20 ml)
  • Pepper (to taste)


  • Put all the vegetables in a bowl and mix them together.
  • Also, mix orange juice, oil and a little pepper to make a sauce.
  • Then add it to the salad and enjoy.

2. Mushroom and spinach omelet

A delicious omelet is perfect for enjoying light dinners that take care of your weight. Not only is it a significant source of protein, but it also provides antioxidants, minerals and other nutrients that improve metabolism and sleep quality.


  • 1 egg
  • ¼ cup of chopped mushrooms (55 g)
  • Paprika strips (to taste)
  • 2 spinach leaves washed and chopped
  • 1 slice of cheese


  • Beat the egg and mix with the other ingredients.
  • Pour over pan.
  • When it’s done, you can accompany it with a slice of whole grain bread.

3. Grilled chicken breast on the grill

Light dinner to take care of your weight with chicken

Eating lean meats during dinner is a light way to get extra protein, to repair your muscles and stimulate your metabolism. So, here is the recipe for a delicious grilled chicken breast, to accompany it with a mixed salad.


  • 1 portion of chicken breast (150 g)
  • Salt and pepper to taste)
  • the ½ lemon juice


  • Cut the chicken breast portion and season it with salt, pepper and lemon juice.
  • Marinate for an hour and then cook on the grill.

4. Lettuce tacos with lentils

Both lettuce and lentils allow you to enjoy light dinners that take care of your weight and health. Thus, these delicious tacos will become one of your favorite options to satisfy your hunger at this time of day.


  • 8 fresh and firm lettuce leaves
  • ¾ cup of dried lentils (180 g)
  • 1 onion
  • 1 tomato
  • small avocado
  • the ½ lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of oil (10 ml)
  • Ground salt and pepper (to taste)


  • Wash the lentils and bring them to a boil in plenty of water, until they soften.
  • When they’re done, let them rest while sauteing the chopped onion with a little oil and salt in a pan.
  • When the onion is tender, add the cooked lentils and ground pepper.
  • Remove preparation from heat and add lemon juice.
  • Then wash each lettuce leaf well and place it on a plate.
  • Put the lentil mixture on the lettuce leaves and add the avocado and fresh tomato cubes.

5. Spinach salad with turkey breast

Light dinners that take care of your weight: Spinach salad

Of all the weight-taking dinners, this is one of the lowest in calories. The spinach and turkey breast blend is a protein and antioxidant recipe that helps you rebuild your muscles while shedding “extra pounds.”


  • 10 spinach leaves
  • 1 serving of cooked turkey breast (150 g)
  • Vinegar and olive oil to taste


  • Thoroughly wash the spinach leaves and place them in a bowl.
  • Then cut the cooked turkey breast into several cubes or strips.
  • Place them on the spinach and season everything with vinegar and oil to taste.
  • If desired, accompany the salad with a glass of grapes.

Ready to enjoy those light dinners? As you can see, they are very easy to prepare and contain only light ingredients for your body. So, be encouraged to prepare one for each day and take advantage of its properties.


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