Lose Weight With 3 Foods: Lemon, Oats And Spirulina

Oat flakes are a very healthy option to satiate, avoid anxiety and the craving for sweets. They can be taken for breakfast to get energy without gaining weight.
Lose weight with 3 foods: lemon, oats and spirulina

Lemons and oats are two simple foods that everyone already knows. Spirulina is part of the category of super foods, which gained fame recently and is part of the diet of many people, especially those seeking healthier in their daily lives.

To lose weight, you can combine these three foods and burn fat, lower cholesterol levels and improve digestion.

So, in this article, we share tips, information and some recipes so you can do this with confidence. Check out:

Use of lemon for weight loss

You’ve certainly heard how good it is to start your day by drinking a cup of warm water with a few drops of lemon.

Well, on fasting, the detoxifying capabilities of the fruit are enhanced.  Just don’t overdo it, because lemon is rich in citric acid and can cause stomach irritation.

Lemon alkalizes the body, which is good for the immune system and overall health. To lose weight, the recipe is to drink a cup of water with the juice of half a lemon before the main meals.

Do not consume more than two lemons a day. If you like, you can combine it with other foods that help burn fat, such as ginger and cayenne pepper.

Lemon and ginger tea is not only used to treat the flu, it also helps to lose weight and fight cholesterol and other “invisible” ailments; that can trigger serious illnesses.

Another tip is to use lemon to season salads. Instead of using greasy, preservative-filled ready-made sauces, season salads with lemon, oil and a combination of herbs.

Use of oats for weight loss

Rich in fiber, oats are a well-known slimming ally. Versatile, it can be used in both sweet and savory dishes, and it can also appear with all meals.

This multipurpose food can be used pure in vitamins and juices, making it ideal for breakfast and snacks.

It can also be mixed with other ingredients to make savory pie dough, quiches and even veggie burgers and meatballs, if combined with textured soy protein.

The pancakes are also delicious with oatmeal. Try pancakes made with oatmeal, mashed banana and cinnamon, using honey instead of sugar, and whole wheat instead of white.

Another excellent option to lose weight is to consume oat water (check the recipe in this post). Oats can be consumed over fruits such as papaya and banana.

Even more, oat milk can replace regular milk in cake and bread recipes.

— Improves bowel function, preventing the risk of constipation, constipation, very hard stools and colon cancer.
— Increases the feeling of satiety, helping to fight the craving for the famous “snacks” and snacks between meals.
— Lowers cholesterol levels.
— Decreases the body’s absorption of sugar, good for preventing diabetes.

Green smoothy helps you lose weight

Spirulina is a cyanobacterium, that is, a bacterium capable of carrying out photosynthesis. They live in colonies that have the appearance of algae, so they are often considered a type of algae ; even if they are not.

As some people might turn up their noses at the idea of ​​consuming bacteria (in fact, we ingest a lot of health-friendly bacteria on a daily basis), commercially, spirulina is still sold as algae.

About 60% of the composition of spirulina is protein. In addition to not gaining weight, it is good for the health of muscles, being highly sought after by athletes and those who are vegetarian or vegan;  and that it needs non-animal sources of protein. It is also a source of beta-carotene (which gives rise to vitamin A), among others.

In addition to being rich in protein, spirulina helps you lose weight because it swells in contact with water, increasing the feeling of satiety and inhibiting hunger.

In addition, it can be mixed with juices, smoothies or sprinkled over soups. It is also widely consumed in pill form.

Finally, prefer brands that sell Hawaiian spirulina, free of toxic substances such as metals.

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