Mesquite Properties And Uses

The mesquite tree became popular for its nutritional value. Today, his legume is used to make a protein-rich flour.
Properties and uses of mesquite

Mesquite is a leguminous tree belonging to the genus Prosopis, of the Fabaceae family. It comes from desert areas of Mexico, especially from the center and south of the country, although its distribution extends to the north. It is even found in the southern regions of the United States such as Texas and Kansas.

Trees are usually 6 to 9 meters tall, but can reach up to 15 meters. They also produce gnarled pods up to 20 centimeters in size. They are also known as “péchitas” or “mezquites”, and are valued for their nutritional quality. Want to know more about your properties?

Properties and uses of mesquite

Almost every part of mesquite can be used for different purposes. Its fruit (pod) is used in the preparation of a flour rich in proteins and low in gluten, ideal for people with celiac disease. In turn, its resin is used as rubber and natural sweetener. In addition, wood is used in the manufacture of furniture and floors.

Wood that cannot be molded is used as firewood for smoking meat. There are those who prefer it, as its aroma is intense and leaves a slight peppery flavor. What are its nutritional properties? We focus on the nutrients in your legume, which is often the part used for food purposes.

digestive health

The powder made from the mesquite pod is rich in fiber. According to a Food magazine publication , up to 29.6% of its composition is dietary fiber. Therefore, its consumption helps to improve intestinal function and regulate the activity of the microbiota.

Fiber, as stated in an article in the National Center for Biotechnology Information , prevents the formation or worsening of hemorrhoids, reduces the risk of colorectal cancer and prevents complications related to constipation.

digestive health
Due to its fiber content, mesquite flour helps to take care of digestive health.

cardiovascular health

Due to its fiber content, omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants, mesquite flour is considered an ally for cardiovascular health care. In fact, an animal study shared in The Cardiovascular Journal of Africa determined that one of the mesquite species (Prosopis glandulosa) has cardioprotective and antihypertensive qualities.

Of course, it should be borne in mind that this is not a remedy for heart disease. Its benefits are obtained when inserted in a healthy and balanced diet. Furthermore, further studies are needed to confirm these properties in humans.

Muscle mass

Due to its protein content, which reaches 17%, mesquite pods can be a nutritional supplement to increase muscle mass and protect muscles. Although it is not as complete a protein as those from animal origin, it can bring benefits. Furthermore, it is a good alternative to vegetarian and vegan diets.

Other Possible Benefits of Mesquite

Research on mesquite is still limited. Despite this, both the flour and the other parts of the tree have other properties attributed to them. In particular, other qualities are as follows:

  • It has antidiabetic activity. It is not a treatment for diabetes, but its low glycemic index contributes to the prevention of this disease. It is also used as a sweetener in place of sucrose.
  • Helps fight free radicals. Of the many qualities of mesquite, its high concentration of antioxidants such as polyphenols stands out. These, as a Frontiers in Nutrition review concludes , inhibit the negative effects of free radicals, which in turn prevent the onset of chronic diseases.
  • It has anti-inflammatory effects. A study shared at Food Research International determined that mesquite powder helped inhibit pro-inflammatory COX 2 mediators in a laboratory setting. As such, it is believed that it can help fight inflammatory diseases. Even so, this is a property that is still being discussed and generates controversy. More research is needed.
Possible Mesquite Benefits
Proteins, antioxidants, fiber and minerals are the nutrients that the mesquite tree legume concentrates.

Ecological importance of mesquite

Unlike other tree species, mesquite requires little maintenance and little water. Added to this, its legumes and flowers are a wild fauna attraction. This tree is a favorite nesting place for birds such as hummingbirds.

What should we remember about mesquite?

The mesquite tree stands out for its interesting medicinal and culinary properties. All of its parts are used for human benefit. While its resin is a natural sweetener, its flour is a nutritious food. In addition, wood is used for the manufacture of furniture and smoked meats. Did you already know this tree?

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