Natural Remedy To Deflate The Abdomen

Laurel relieves acidity and gas, and can help us fight fluid retention, while encouraging the elimination of excess uric acid.
Natural Remedy to Deflate the Abdomen

Every program to burn fat from any area of ​​the body can be composed of three basic habits : a healthy diet, an exercise routine and a good home remedy that complements the burning of calories. These three habits also serve to deflate the abdomen.

Being able to adopt these three habits in our life is the key to achieving success when it comes to losing weight and maintaining a proper weight.

In the search for a supplement to slim down and deflate the abdomen, we found an excellent natural remedy; it has anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and digestive properties that encourage the body to shed extra pounds.

If you already have your diet and exercise plan ready, but still don’t know how to maximize its effects, don’t miss the following treatment! This will help burn fat naturally.

What is this natural remedy to deflate the abdomen?

In short, this treatment to deflate the abdomen uses the properties of cinnamon and laurel. Both ingredients are well known for their digestive system benefits and anti-inflammatory properties. 

Therefore, the preparation of both in the form of tea becomes an excellent way to burn fat. As well as speeding up metabolism and losing weight.

Why is cinnamon good?


This spice is not only one of the most popular around the world, it is also famous for its delicious aroma and slightly spicy taste.

They recently discovered that regular consumption can help you lose weight. Since cinnamon has compounds that help to slow down the fat accumulation process; especially in the abdominal region.

At the same time, it is related to a reduction of up to 29% in the amount of sugar in the blood. Helping to control food cravings and, as a consequence, calorie intake.

When we ingest cinnamon, a chemical reaction takes place in the stomach that causes the metabolism to accelerate.

In addition to all these benefits, cinnamon is also important because:

  • Prevents and helps control diabetes;
  • It is rich in minerals and antioxidant compounds;
  • It has antibacterial and antifungal properties;
  • Helps control blood cholesterol;
  • It has a calming effect;
  • Helps to deflate;
  • Soothes different types of pain.

Why is laurel good?


This plant has two active compounds that give it its main action: eucalyptol and eugenol, which stimulate digestion and soothe conditions such as acidity, gas and abdominal pain.

In addition, it has diuretic properties that facilitate the elimination of fluids from the body and favor kidney function.

The laurel, by the way, has the ability to stimulate the elimination of other agents that can cause damage to health. This is the case with excess uric acid and heavy metals, which often cause circulatory problems, gout, or even liver disease.

Other properties we can highlight include:

  • Bactericidal effects;
  • Antiseptic action;
  • Natural expectorant;
  • Anti-inflammatory properties.

How to prepare cinnamon and bay leaf tea to help you lose weight?

Cinnamon Tea-to-Deflate-Abdomen

Regular consumption of cinnamon and bay tea is a way to help the body eliminate all those toxins it doesn’t need. And that, above all, harm the proper functioning of the metabolism.

This natural remedy is becoming more and more popular. Therefore, the number of people witnessing that they had experiences in which it was very effective is increasing every day.


  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • 10 bay leaves.

How to prepare

The preparation of this infusion is nothing out of this world. The only thing to do is put a liter of water to boil normally, with the cinnamon stick and the bay leaves together.

When it comes to a boil, lower the heat and simmer for an additional 15 minutes. After this time, remove it from the heat and let it rest before taking it.

How to take?

First, start with one cup on an empty stomach in the morning and drink no more than two cups during the day.  Also, you can consume tea every day.

Best of all, it will help keep your abdomen straight from the first moments of the day. Thanks to its potent anti-inflammatory action it can reduce abdominal inflammation triggered by different factors.


Cinnamon has a chemical called coumarin, which can be toxic if ingested in large amounts. Therefore, this remedy should not be taken beyond the recommended dose.

Cinnamon is also not recommended during pregnancy, or for those who have digestive problems such as ulcers and gastritis, or who are taking antibiotics.

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