Natural Treatment For Gastric Ulcers

Since H. pylori bacteria live in acidic environments, lemon can be a great remedy as it neutralizes stomach acids and thus prevents their development.

Gastric ulcers are sores that appear on the mucosa that covers the stomach or small intestine. The most common symptom is burning in the stomach.

We will explain how to detect this disease, as well as a natural treatment for gastric ulcers from dietary advice and natural remedies.

They appear when there is an excess of acidity in the body, especially in the digestive system, which damages and irritates the entire tract and facilitates the proliferation of pathogens, such as Helicobacter pylory, a bacterium that, according to doctors, is the cause most common of this disease.

Anyway, it is important to emphasize that this bacterium only lives if the environment is too acidic, so the important thing is to eliminate the possible causes of hyperacidity.

This hyperacidity can occur due to poor diet (very acidic), habitual consumption of medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen, bad habits, stress or poor digestion.

Although many people take antacids or baking soda to relieve acidity, we should know that this remedy only temporarily improves the problem and will never cure the disease.

On the contrary, in the long run, if we overuse antacids, we can greatly alter stomach acids, which can cause multiple illnesses.

Alkaline food for gastric ulcers

Food is the mainstay of natural treatment for gastric ulcers. We should avoid foods and habits that most acidify our body, such as:

  • dairy
  • sugars
  • Fried food
  • refined
  • industrial confectionery
  • Tobacco
  • Alcohol

We should avoid plants and spices that potentiate gastric juices, even though they may have other properties, but which contribute to hyperacidity:

  • Coffee
  • Cinnamon
  • clove
  • Ginger
  • Kill
  • chili
Avoid cinnamon if you have ulcers

We recommend the following foods for gastric ulcers:

  • Pineapple : facilitates digestion thanks to its proteolytic enzymes. Don’t mix it with carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, etc). It is the ideal dessert before or after eating vegetables or salad and meat or fish.
  • Kale : helps to heal gastric ulcers, but there are many people who do not digest it well if it is raw. If that’s the case, cook it with a dash of cumin or eat it in the form of sauerkraut.
  • Chili : Chili is a nightshade that acts as a great gastric tonifier.
  • Lemon : lemon, despite being citrus and acidic, has an acid neutralizing effect once it reaches the stomach, so we recommend consuming it regularly, combined with meals and in the form of juice, mixed with water.
  • Potato : Potato is a great natural antacid. Its juice works perfectly to combat stomach burning.
  • Millet: millet (or millet) is the only alkalizing cereal, so try to consume it more than rice, wheat, etc.
  • Grape : it is one of the most alkalizing fruits, but we should preferably consume it organic, as it contains many pesticides.
  • Celery : Celery is a great scrubber and alkalinizer. Add it to broths and stir-fries, but also raw in your salads.
Diet to soothe ulcers

If we are going through a time of hyperacidity crisis, we recommend to follow a strict diet until it improves, based on potatoes, cabbage, carrots and apples. Cook, boil, bake, consume raw or shaken.

Although these foods are especially recommended, there are people who do not tolerate them well, so if one of them causes acidity, remove it from the diet.

Natural Remedies for Gastric Ulcers

In the past it was recommended to carry out a novena (nine days) by taking the juice preparation of a quarter of a large, well-washed raw potato (approximately a quarter or third of a cup) and peeled, also mixed with two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil .

This anti-inflammatory and alkalizing preparation is very effective and we can notice an improvement in just nine days.

We can make potato juice at home or even buy it from health food stores.

We can also take mallow and plantain infusions daily , which help to improve irritation and inflammation of the entire digestive tract.

Finally, another natural antacid that we can consume without harm is oral white clay, available at health food stores.

Mix a small clay spoon with water and stir with a wooden spoon.

After ten minutes, stir again and drink the preparation.


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