Nutritional Guidelines For Patients With Type 2 Diabetes

Intermittent fasting offers benefits for diabetic patients related to increased insulin sensitivity.
Nutritional guidelines for patients with type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes has become a contemporary endemic disease. In addition to not having a cure until today, it carries associated complications of various types. It is a serious health problem that, in many cases, is the result of poor food choices. So today we’re going to talk about how good nutrition is critical for patients with type 2 diabetes.

Nutritional recommendations for patients with type 2 diabetes

As concluded by a Diabetes publication , Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity, education related to nutrition and diabetes is crucial to the proper management of the disease. 

Therefore, it is important that nutritionists and physicians inform patients about topics such as carbohydrate servings, blood glucose control and the importance of exercise.

On the other hand, there are other nutritional recommendations that can be taken into account to help us face this health problem. In any case, it is important that each patient consults a physician to determine an individual dietary treatment.

intermittent fasting

intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting has shown benefits in controlling type 2 diabetes. However, it is convenient to do so under the supervision of a nutritionist.

One of the main problems arising from diabetes is the control of the glucose curve. Intermittent fasts, especially at 16:8, improve this situation and reduce a review published in  Translational Research. 

There are studies that indicate that 24-hour fasting can also be beneficial. The problem in these cases is that it is often more difficult to adhere to. Not everyone is able to endure that long without eating, especially if they are subjected to some kind of physical labor.

It should also be noted that diabetes is often associated with being overweight. In these situations, intermittent fasting also becomes a good ally.

Removing a daily meal reduces the number of calories in the diet and therefore facilitates weight loss. This avoids a large number of complications associated with overweight and obesity.

Whole Foods for Diabetes Patients

Sugars and refined flours are two of the great problems of modern food. They trigger insulin spikes and promote the onset and uncontrollability of type 2 diabetes. Choosing to minimize the consumption of processed foods and substituting refined flours and cereals for their whole grain versions are good decisions.

Whole foods have a slower rate of intestinal absorption. In this way,  the passage of sugar into the blood is progressive and the aggression to the pancreas is lessened. Replacing wheat for higher quality cereals, such as spelled or quinoa, are interesting strategies when it comes to diabetes prevention and control.

Reducing the amount of processed foods in the diet is one of the great hallmarks of modern food. With palates accustomed to large amounts of sugar, it  is often difficult to reduce the amount of sweets in the diet. However, choosing fresh and natural foods is a great investment in health.

Do not consume soft drinks or alcohol

avoid alcoholic beverages
The consumption of soft drinks and alcoholic beverages affects the health of patients with type 2 diabetes. In addition, it can lead to a state of dehydration.

Both sugary soft drinks and their zero  versions are foods that promote weight gain and obesity.

On the other hand, alcohol can contribute to the onset of a state of dehydration.  As we’ll see later, hydration is essential for diabetics. Therefore, alcohol is a substance that should be avoided in this population.


Exercise is a great ally in the fight against type 2 diabetes. Specifically, as seen in a study published in Current Diabetes Reviews,  high-intensity interval training helps reduce insulin resistance and control body weight. Thus, the practice of regular exercise becomes a necessary custom both in the prevention and management of this disease.

Combining moderate-intensity exercise with intermittent fasting improves glucose control results. Insulin resistance is reduced and loss of fat and body weight is increased. This significantly improves the person’s health.


Dehydration is a common problem among people with diabetes. The high level of glucose in the blood causes increased renal excretion and therefore fluid loss.

It is important that people with diabetes always stay well hydrated to avoid further complications. Drinking water frequently and not waiting to get thirsty are two basic pillars in these situations.

Diabetes patients need to change some habits

It is important to improve nutrition to facilitate the management of type 2 diabetes. In this sense, it is advisable to consume whole foods, stay hydrated and avoid bad habits such as alcohol and tobacco consumption. In addition, other options such as intermittent fasting can be addressed, always with the supervision of a nutritionist.

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