Oats To Treat Anxiety

The number of people who suffer from anxiety is extremely high, but most of them do not look for ways to treat the situation, and simply live with anxiety disorders as if they were a normal and inherent part of their lives.
Oatmeal to treat anxiety

There are several drugs that promise to treat anxiety and other emotional and psychological disorders. However, they are not always the best alternative.

Every person has a different case of anxiety. That’s why it ‘s important to see a doctor and understand what the best approach is for each specific situation.

In addition, for those who do not want to use conventional medications, as they can cause side effects and, in some cases, even dependence, or for those who would like to complement the treatment for anxiety, there are natural and healthy alternatives that can help us in this battle.


Maintaining a balanced diet and practicing regular physical activity are two habits that can help us a lot in treating anxiety.

Exercise releases endorphins, which provide well-being and help us forget about problems and behaviors that can cause anxiety.

A balanced diet keeps our organism healthy and functioning properly, preventing oscillations that can alter our mood and trigger this disorder.

Today, within the theme of food to treat anxiety, we will talk about an ideal natural remedy to achieve this goal: oats.

Why Oats to Treat Anxiety?

Studies indicate that ingesting complex carbohydrates in general helps fight anxiety disorders.

Remember, we are talking about whole carbs here. After all, foods made from refined flour do exactly the opposite. They cause swings in blood sugar and affect hunger and energy levels.


Among the complex carbohydrate options, oats are a wonderful natural remedy for reducing anxiety and associated symptoms.

It is high in fiber and slowly digested. Thus, it provides a stable and constant source of energy for the body, preventing oscillations.

In addition, it also stabilizes blood sugar levels and helps reduce mood swings and those strong cravings, which can trigger anxiety, irritability and depressive symptoms.

Another positive point of oats is that it is able to promote the release of serotonin in our body.

Known as the wellness hormone, it makes us feel calmer and more centered. Thus, it reduces anxiety symptoms.

Finally, oats are also rich in vitamin B and magnesium, important nutrients for fighting anxiety.

It is important to eat oats always accompanied by other healthy foods, such as fresh and dried fruits, nuts and almonds, for example.

If you want to sweeten it, avoid sugar as it will undermine the beneficial effect of oats in controlling blood sugar levels. If you want to use a sweetener, always opt for honey.

Oat Vitamin to Reduce Anxiety

oat recipe

If you suffer from anxiety, be aware that there are several different ways to incorporate oats into your daily life and enjoy its benefits in treating this emotional state.

Here, we’ll share the recipe for one of these options, which in addition to being energetic and refreshing, is also delicious.

It is a great alternative to introduce oats for breakfast, starting the day with much more energy and energy. Get to know the recipe step by step below:


  • 1 ripe pear
  • 50 g of unsweetened organic oats
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 1 spoon of honey (25 g)

How to make

  • Preparation is very easy. The first step is to peel the pear and cut it into pieces to make it easier to beat.
  • Then put it in a blender with the unsweetened organic oats and a glass of water.
  • Beat until you get a smooth and creamy texture. When you reach the desired consistency (it also depends on your preference) add a spoon of honey to sweeten it naturally.
  • Finally, you can serve this vitamin with two ice cubes. It is delicious!

Final tips

In addition to making oats a constant part of your daily life, don’t forget to practice physical activities and keep a light and balanced diet.

Also take care of your emotional state, which is very important to fight anxiety. Spend time with yourself and self-knowledge. Do your favorite activities and don’t forget to practice relaxation exercises.

Finally, meditation and yoga are also good options for reducing anxiety disorders.

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