Plums Against Bone Loss

Although plums do not contain calcium, several studies have shown that taking between 3 and 5 units daily can reduce the risk of suffering from bone disease.
Plums against bone loss

In this article, we will explain to you another way to understand the problem of lack of calcium and we propose a food that will surprise you with its great benefits for the bones: prunes.

When we talk about bone problems, as happens, for example, with osteoporosis, we are used to hearing praise about the benefits of calcium.

It is true that this mineral is fundamental, but know that there are also others that are important for its assimilation.

That’s why it’s not healthy to start consuming foods with added calcium, but rather try to have a balanced diet and choose those foods that contribute calcium and other nutrients that we need. Plums are one of them.


You may have already heard about alkaline or acidic pH in our body, and as we are generally used to being more acidic due to poor diet (mainly sugars, fried foods and refined flour), bad habits (tobacco or alcohol), negative emotions , stress or contamination.

Well, this excessive acidity causes our body to ‘steal’ calcium from our bones and eliminate it through the urine to try to compensate for the pH.

This is where plums show their first benefit: they are highly alkalizing.

In addition, plums are also rich in potassium, magnesium, boron, manganese, copper and iron, as well as vitamins A and K; all essential nutrients for our bone health.

Interestingly, they do not contain calcium, but several researches have shown that daily consumption of prunes can lower the risk of suffering bone diseases.

Plums, both fresh and dried, are also excellent for fighting constipation and are very nutritious, so it is ideal to consume them in the morning when you wake up.

The healthiest way to consume them is to soak them in half a glass of water at night. The next day, in the morning on an empty stomach, we should drink the water and also eat the fruit.

The ideal amount is between 3 and 5 prunes a day.

If we don’t want to drink them alone, we can beat them with other ripe fruit or vegetable drinks. We can also include them in desserts, such as cakes or pies, as they will contribute moisture and sweetness. So we avoid adding so much sugar.

Finally, we offer you other foods that are also beneficial for your bones thanks to their content in vitamins and minerals, especially calcium, and much more assimilable than dairy products or products with added calcium:

  • Sesame : contains more calcium than milk and is much more assimilable. You can eat raw ground sesame or in the form of gummium (ground and roasted with salt), first cold pressing oil and raw, or tahini (sesame paste). Tahini can also be blended with water, lemon, cinnamon and honey to make our own sesame drink.
  • Peruvian Maca : contains a lot of calcium and iron and, in addition, it is an excellent hormonal regulator. It should be taken with care by people with uncontrolled hypertension and those who have a highly sensitive immune system.
  • Cooked carrots : much richer in calcium than raw.
  • Ponytail : very rich in silicon. We can have two or three cups a day.
  • Sea water : a natural and very balanced supplement that can be found in herbalists and health food stores. We recommend taking a tablespoon before each meal.

Try this delicious recipe to strengthen your bones:

  • Grind a tablespoon of sesame seeds with a glass of water for at least one minute using an electric mixer.
  • Sift the sesame milk and separate the fiber (which can be used in other recipes).
  • Beat the sesame drink again with three plums previously soaked.
  • Add some powdered cinnamon.

You already have your vitamin: delicious to take for breakfast or lunch and to surprise the whole family with a very healthy recipe.

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