Prepare Homemade Hair Straightening Cream

Although its properties to straighten hair are not as fast as those of other chemical treatments, this cream also helps to nourish the strands and protect them from external aggressions.
Prepare a homemade hair straightening cream

Having straight, shiny hair has always been a female beauty trend. Although waves and curls are a very special look, the straight style fits more easily with all faces and hairstyles. In general, it is customary to resort to chemical treatments, brushes or flat irons to straighten the hair.

Many hairdressers have developed techniques to achieve a perfect straightening, but  most last for a short time and leave hair sequelae.

Warming products and tools are quite aggressive, affecting the hair’s natural oils and weakening it.

There are other straightening techniques that do not negatively impact the yarn fibers and, on the contrary, offer several benefits.

There is a homemade cream that can be prepared with ingredients that are usually available in the kitchen.

Next, we’ll reveal what it’s all about and how to prepare it to achieve a natural, silky smooth.

What is this homemade hair straightening cream?

The natural hair straightening cream is obtained from a combination of coconut milk, lemon, olive oil and a little cornstarch.

These ingredients have moisturizing and repairing properties that control excess frizz or frizz ; as well as rebel waves to achieve a perfect smooth.

Although it is necessary to clarify that its effects are not as fast as those of a flat iron or chemical treatments, after several applications it is possible to notice the difference.

Its main benefits are obtained from coconut milk, a food obtained from crushing the white pulp of the fruit.

This is characterized by its high content of medium-chain fatty acids and high quality proteins, whose application on the hair repairs damage, retains its natural moisture and facilitates straightening.

Olive oil and lemon to straighten hair

In addition, olive oil and lemon strengthen the hair roots and decrease the weakness that leads to excessive hair loss.

Although these two ingredients do not have straightening qualities, they are a support for the hair to be silkier, more manageable and easier to comb.

The omega-3 fatty acids in olive oil and the antioxidant substances in lemon create a protective effect against oxidative damage and excess heat.

For its part, cornstarch acts as a natural conditioner, ideal for eliminating the electrical and spongy effect of wavy hair.

Its use enhances the effects of coconut milk, as it facilitates the task of straightening the hair without causing aggression.

How to prepare this homemade hair straightening cream?

Olive oil and coconut to straighten hair

To prepare this natural cream, we recommend purchasing organic ingredients, as they retain all of their properties.

We usually find several versions on the market, but some of them have undergone refinement processes that reduce their quality.

If possible, make the coconut milk yourself and make sure the olive oil is extra virgin.


  • 1 cup coconut milk (250 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (32 g)
  • the juice of a lemon
  • 3 tablespoons of cornstarch (30 g)

How to prepare?

  • First, extract the white pulp from the coconut and process it in a blender with a glass of warm water.
  • Then pass the liquid through a fabric strainer.
  • Reserve the flour for other recipes and use the milk to make this cream.
  • Heat the liquid in a bain-marie together with the olive oil, lemon juice and spoons of cornstarch.
  • Leave on low heat for a few minutes until you notice a creamy consistency.
  • Finally, put the product in a glass bottle, let it rest and start using.

Application mode

  • First, take the required amount of cream and massage your hair and scalp for five minutes.
  • Then be sure to completely cover all the hair.
  • Cover it with a cap and let it act for 45 minutes.
  • Warm a damp towel and place it around the cap to make the treatment more effective.
  • After the recommended time, rinse as usual and comb with a soft brush while wet.
  • Repeat your application at least three times a week.

The effects of this product vary depending on the type of hair and the regularity with which it is applied.

Incorporate it into your regular beauty routine and experience the benefits other than straightening your hair.

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