Problems Caused By Misuse Of Headphones And How They Would Be Properly Used

Inappropriate use of headphones can lead to hearing problems and affect us at other levels as well if we lose track of exposure time or volume, among other factors.
Problems caused by the misuse of headphones and how they would be used properly

Listening to music is something many people enjoy and it even serves as therapy. However, not everyone likes the same type, nor is it convenient to hear it everywhere. So science has developed a device: headphones.

Ever wonder what are the problems caused by its misuse? Next, we’ll show you the keys you should know so that listening to music through headphones doesn’t end up affecting your health. Pay attention and follow these best practices.

Now there are headphones of all types, sizes, shapes and colors. Young people especially like to take their headphones with them everywhere. However,  their incorrect use can have negative effects on the hearing aid and also on the overall health of the body.

Problems caused by misuse of headphones

How to use a headset properly

It is necessary to follow some guidelines to avoid hearing loss due to frequent use of headphones.

1. Watch the volume

Using headphones at high volume for prolonged periods can irreversibly damage the hearing instrument,  causing considerable hearing problems. Nowadays, the cases of hearing loss are increasing.

With the use of this device, a sound power of up to 100 decibels (dB) can be directly generated, an excessive value for the exposure of the human ear. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the ear should only receive a maximum daily exposure to noise that does not exceed 85 dB.

Likewise, WHO ensures that sound that exceeds 120 dB, while not causing complete hearing loss,  can cause gradual and irreversible damage  to the hearing instrument. Therefore, it is recommended to use headphones with an adequate volume for a maximum of half an hour a day.

2. Make constant use of it

Problems caused by misuse of headphones

In addition to causing direct damage to the hearing aid, misuse of this device indirectly causes damage to the body. Listening to music at a higher than adequate volume can cause:

  • Depression
  • cardiac damage
  • sleep disorders
  • Lack of concentration
  • Memory loss
  • difficulty learning

The most complicated thing is that the problems caused by the misuse of headphones appear progressively, without the person realizing it. That’s why it’s important to consider how they should be used properly.

3. Good quality headphones

First of all, we must select headphones according to each person’s ears and preferences. There are ergonomic devices that insert directly into the ear canal, as well as larger types, such as ear protectors, which are placed outside the ear and cover the entire length of the ear.

For both cases there are different sizes and materials. When headphones are large, the sound is adequately blocked and concentrated so there is no need to turn up the volume excessively.

If we decide to choose small headphones that are inserted into the ear canal,  try not to insert them by pressing on them. Choose those that have a cushion that fits perfectly at the entrance to the canal so you don’t have to press on them to avoid injury.

4. Exposure time

Another point to be taken into consideration is the time spent listening to sounds or music with headphones, as there are also problems caused by spending long hours with the headphones.

It is recommended to use them for 30 minutes a day,  to avoid problems of anxiety, stress and lack of concentration, among others.

  • To better understand how to care for your ears, you can look at their anatomy and physiology.

5. Cleaning the headphones

problems heard

Cleanliness is also very important when using headphones. It’s important to know that headphones are devices for personal use, even if it seems simple. They must not be borrowed and must be properly cleaned  each time they are used.

Through them, harmful microorganisms can be transmitted quickly and directly, which can cause serious infections in the hearing system.

Don’t forget that every time you use your headphones, you should clean them with cleaning products that are gentle and won’t damage the device. Also, after a while, it is recommended to replace the ear cushions with new ones.

While listening to music through headphones is nice, remember that you should give your ears a rest. If you want to avoid  deafness, the best thing you can do is to put into practice the different prevention methods.

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