Reasons For A Swollen Abdomen

To prevent inflammation and eliminate the gases that can cause this problem, we can take a digestive infusion after eating. It is also recommended to add digestive spices to our dishes.
Reasons for a Swollen Abdomen

A swollen abdomen is not only an aesthetic issue, but it is also a health problem that we must treat before we develop chronic disorders, such as gastric reflux, for example.

In this article, we’ll explain the different reasons why we can get a bloated stomach and abdomen, as well as some natural remedies that will help us alleviate this condition in a short time.

Not chewing properly can cause a swollen abdomen.

This is a very common problem nowadays, because we usually do everything in a rush. Many people eat fast at work, or standing up, or while talking, so they don’t chew enough and correctly and food becomes much harder to digest.

All of this slows down digestion and makes it difficult, causing stomach bloating and other annoyances. Also, chewing well has many advantages, such as being satiated and eating less without going hungry.

We must be aware that digestion starts in the mouth, as saliva contains enzymes that initiate the digestive process. The better we chew food, the better we will assimilate it.

Intestinal parasites can cause a swollen abdomen

Intestinal parasites are one of the major health problems we suffer from, but unfortunately it is a very silent affliction. Not because they don’t have symptoms, but because they are difficult to relate to this reason.

For example , parasites cause us nervousness, irritability, appetite disorders, anal or nose itchiness and stomach swelling for no apparent reason. Because, for some people, the stomach swells because I have something inconvenient with me, but in this case, it will be possible to notice that it swells no matter what you eat.

Natural parasite elimination treatment is not simple. We have to reduce or eliminate sugars and white flour from the diet, mainly, as they are food for parasites.

Also, take supplements like garlic, pumpkin seeds, cilantro, spicy spices, etc. But a prior medical diagnosis is always essential.

We can also take a supplement for the intestinal flora and, above all, take care not to suffer from constipation, which contributes to the proliferation of parasites.

how to prevent stomach bloating

Eating too much can cause a bloated abdomen.

Sometimes we can eat healthy foods, but if we eat too much and more than the body needs, we may also suffer from bloating and poor digestion.

We should always end a meal with the feeling that we are still a little hungry. That moment when we feel that we could still eat some dessert, for example, but that we are actually already satisfied.

A good way to get used to practicing this habit is to replace this final whim with a digestive tea, which will also help to avoid bloating, as we’ll explain in the next point.

Flatulence can cause a swollen abdomen

There are foods that are especially flatulent, but there are also people who are very prone to this problem.

In this case, we recommend taking digestive infusions of anise, mint and melissa, and also add spices such as cumin or fennel in preparations, especially in vegetables that make us produce flatulence.

tea for the stomach to deflate

Food intolerances can cause a bloated abdomen

In some specific cases, flatulence occurs as a result of food intolerance that we did not detect.

The most common are gluten or lactose, since, if we suspect that we may be suffering from them, we should carry out some corresponding tests.

An alternative way to prove intolerance is to eliminate these foods from our diet for a month and then introduce them again to see if we feel the swelling or discomfort again.

Emotional Issues Can Cause A Swollen Abdomen

There are also people who suffer digestive problems for emotional reasons, since the digestive system represents how we digest what happens to us in emotional terms.

In these cases, those who suffer from it will notice that the swelling is not related to what you eat, but it becomes more frequent or occurs on days when you feel more emotional tension.

To solve this, we can look for a therapy that gives us a treatment such as homeopathy, Bach flowers, acupuncture, as well as relaxing therapies such as massage, reflexology, yoga, taichi, etc.  

reasons for a bloated abdomen

Unhealthy dinners can cause a bloated abdomen

Dinners should be the lightest meal of the day, since, during the night, the body no longer has as much energy dedicated to digestion. If we go to bed or get up in the morning with swelling, we should change dinner.

For example, salads are very healthy, but it’s best to eat them at midday. At night, prefer cooked vegetables or vegetable creams.

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