Recipe For Oat Soap Bags For The Bath

In addition to being very effective in eliminating blackheads and other acne symptoms, oatmeal can help us relax and tone our muscles, while taking care of sensitive skin.
Recipe for Oat Soap Bags for the Bath

Oats are in fashion. Its flavor, and all the great properties it offers, make it a super cereal, which we cannot do without in our daily diet. But, did you know that this cereal is also a great ally for skin health? So let’s teach you how to make an oat soap.

It’s a very simple and economical recipe. A great way for us to benefit from its therapeutic principles and the properties of this wonder!

Oats for a silky skin: know its great properties

1. Cleansing action

Oats are a natural ingredient capable of exceptionally cleansing the skin. Thanks to it, it is possible to remove all the traces of impurities, absorbing them, preventing residues from accumulating in the pores and promoting a truly exceptional deep cleaning.

And the most interesting thing is that thanks to oats, the skin structure is able to remain balanced. The proteins that make up this cereal balance the pH level.

2. Prevents skin dehydration

Oatmeal soap to moisturize

Yes, thanks to oats and their lipids we are able to provide the skin with adequate moisture. Thus, avoiding dehydration at all times, protecting it from external aggressions and maintaining a protective barrier.

3. Oats, a great exfoliant

Thanks to its hydration and its effective cleansing effect, oats appear as a magnificent solution to eliminate dead skin cells and impurities. That way we can say goodbye to pimples, blackheads and other imperfections.

We must also not forget about other great properties of oats:

  • Decreases and treats the signs of acne,
  • Controls the production of sebum and the shine typical of greasy skin.

It is, without a doubt, an ideal remedy, which cannot be missed, totally recommendable.

4. Suitable for treating skin irritations

Simply magnificent: its calming action makes oats very suitable for treating, for example:

  • irritations ,
  • eczema,
  • itches,
  • dermatitis,
  • hives,
  • psoriasis.

It has a calming and healing action, taking care little by little of all the skin damage that, by the way, everyone can suffer someday.

5. Relaxing effect

Its muscle-relaxing effects have been known since ancient times. A relaxing bath using oatmeal soap will be an ideal option for toning and relaxing your muscles. In addition, it has a sedative action and will help us take care of the most sensitive and dry skin.

So the oat soap pouches that we’ll teach you next will provide all of these benefits.

So here we go:

oat soap

Prepare your own oat bags for the bath


We will prepare two bags of oatmeal for the bath, and for that we will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 cups of oats
  • Two fabric pouches. They can be, for example, muslin, gauze or organza. Ordinary screens, which usually come as a gift wrap, can also do. It is also important to separate a little string to tie the arrangement.
  • Half grated soap. Choose the one you prefer, even one that is already made of oatmeal is a good option. However, we recommend another that will be ideal: rosehip soap. It can be found in natural food stores or perfumeries. Only use half a tablet.
  • Essential oil. Choose what suits you best. For this recipe we will also use a rosehip.
Bath with oat soap

How to prepare the oat soap bags?

  • First , choose the fabric. It should be medium in size, which fits at least in the palm of your hand. Imagine that it will be used as a soap on the skin, so the size must be adequate. You also need to remember that it should be big enough to hold a cup of oatmeal.
  • After choosing the fabric, get a bowl and prepare the therapeutic mixture that will be inside the bags.

To prepare the mixture for the oat soap

  • Add two cups of oats. Afterwards, grate the half bar of soap with a grater and drop the small pieces of soap onto the oats. Half a bar will do.
  • Then add ten drops of the chosen essential oil as well. However, it needs to be of a balanced odor and not dissimilar to the smell of soap.
  • We can add (optional) dried herbs at this point in the process, such as lavender, orange leaves or rosemary. Add what you prefer, but these plants should contain therapeutic actions, good for the skin.
  • At this stage, it will be almost ready. All that remains is to divide the content and fill two small bags with it.
  • Tie them tightly with your chosen ribbon. Remember that after each use it is necessary to place them in the sun and in a place where the air circulates so that they dry correctly. Obviously its use is limited.
  • When you notice that it no longer smells, or that the oats have almost become a flour, it is time to prepare new bags.
  • After using them you will notice how your skin will look even more beautiful.

So, are we going to prepare this beauty tip today? And stay with us as we have more suggestions for your beauty, health and well-being.

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