Replace Typical Sit-ups With These Exercises. You Will Like!

To have a flat abdomen it is not necessary to do sit-ups. There are alternative exercises that are equally effective. We will show you how to make them below.
Replace typical sit-ups with these exercises.  You will like!

Everyone wants to have a flat abdomen like a plank and well marked like the models we are used to seeing. However, nobody wants to do sit-ups! So replace your typical sit-ups with these exercises!

In this article  we will tell you which exercises can help you to have a flat abs without you having to resort to the typical and horrible routine we know.

Replace typical sit-ups with these home exercises

If you don’t want to go to the gym, don’t have time or are people who abandon this routine a few days after starting, we recommend you to do a home routine. Don’t be scared… this routine won’t include sit-ups! You can enjoy exercise, lose weight and have a privileged body if you are constant  and follow a balanced diet.

There are no excuses for not exercising. A group of teachers and trainers developed  a routine of 6 exercises that can be done in 40 minutes  and are repeated three times a week. They (if done to the letter) replace any session at the gym.

The conditions to practice and benefit from these exercises are:

  • Ample and ventilated space (it could be the living room, if you move your sofa around)
  • To be done in the first hour of your day (to end at 9am at the latest)
  • That prior stretching of the joints be done (for 5 minutes)
  • And that you stretch when you finish them (also 5 minutes)

The exercises that will not only help you avoid crunches, but will also shape your body are:

Replace typical crunches up and down stairs

If you don’t have stairs at home, you can use a stool. Even better if you bought your own ladder. But the important thing is that the trot is energetic and without pause.

Practice for 15 to 20 minutes to burn approximately 200 calories. The ascent must be fast and the descent slow to avoid injuries. Don’t forget to keep your back straight at all times.


girl doing squats

Maybe you don’t like them so much, but something needs to be done to mark the abdomen well. Belly contractions when doing squats are perfect for getting you really stoned. For every 100 squats you lose 300 calories (to burn that amount doing sit-ups you’ll need to complete a set of 1000 sit-ups!).

Put your back very straight. Take a broom handle and run it behind your back. Spread your legs to hip width and bend your knees as far as you can. The idea is that you can hold the pose for a few seconds and then go up very slowly.

Start with sets of 10 and don’t do less than 50 a day of training. Once you have mastered the technique you can increase to sets of 15 reps. You can also  add weight  (with sand-filled water bottles, for example).

Exercises to replace your abs if you’re at the gym

Are you among the people who enjoy lifting weights and doing tape in a crowded environment? Do you like going to the gym, making friends and following a routine recommended by the coach? So these exercises might seem more suitable to you. Discuss them with your trainer so that they “approve” when doing sit-ups. Replace the abs with:

Stability ball bearings

This way you will achieve a greater mechanism of contraction-stretching, without bending or flexing the spine too much (something very dangerous and that can cause a lot of pain).

Push-ups on board and ball



It’s a unique exercise that allows you to work your oblique muscles and you shouldn’t do side crunches to tone them up. It also  provides greater abdominal strength and stability, while keeping your lower back healthy  (don’t forget to stay straight while doing this exercise).

Replace typical sit-ups with ball push-ups

A Swiss ball is used to work the lower abdominal muscles as well as the oblique muscles.

  • First, lie down on the Swiss ball.
  • Then stretch your arms and rest your hands on the floor.
  • Then do push-ups. The legs must be straight. You’ll protect your back and gain balance and strength in your extremities.

knee lifting

abdominal stretch

Also known as “knees on the chest”  this exercise allows the abdomen to work by contracting. They may be a little difficult at first, but little by little you will be able to lift your legs more. The important thing is that you don’t bring your back forward.

The strawberry in dessert: the exercise that replaces 1000 sit-ups!

Replace typical sit-ups with plank

Of course you would want to show off the abs of someone who does a thousand sit-ups a week. But the simple idea of ​​having to do them makes you give up. The fitness area has answers for everything related to routines and ways to get more out of each exercise according to our goal.

The technique is known as “static exercise” and  basically consists of making the toes, elbows and forearms take charge of supporting the entire weight of the body. But the biggest task is performed by the abdomen in order to support the back in position!

With 3 reps of 60 seconds each and 3 days a week, it’s like doing almost 1000 sit-ups. Not bad, isn’t it? The steps to perform this exercise are:

  • First, get in the same position as the push-ups: on your stomach, legs straight, and toes touching the floor.
  • Then bend your elbows and bring your forearms together in front of your head. Support the mat so that hands and wrists are glued to the front.
  • Then lower your head to 30 cm from floor level and bring it down.

In short, the only parts that will come into contact with the floor will be the toes, elbows, forearms and hands and wrists. Finally, hold this pose for 1 minute. Rest and repeat twice more.

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