Signs That Your Partner Is “toxic”

At first, it may seem that certain attitudes of our partner are the result of an excess of attention and affection, but we must be objective and look beyond.

Perhaps without realizing it or without doing it on purpose,  a person can damage us emotionally and psychologically. When we speak of a “toxic” partner, we are referring to that person who does not allow us to grow and demands explanations all the time.

However, without reaching such implicit orders, there are  other, less noticeable signs that demonstrate an unhealthy relationship. Find out which ones are next.

A toxic partner drowns us and makes us sick

If we look up the definition of toxic in the dictionary, we will read that it is poisonous and harmful to health.

In the case of relationships with this qualification, we can say that they  do not allow us to be happy or that they bring us more sadness than joy.

When we are on the side of a toxic person, little by little he absorbs our energies and our vitality to transform us into someone without personality, self-esteem, dreams, goals, etc.

These negative individuals unload their frustrations, fears, and mistrusts on others. Even without realizing it, they steal all the attention from the one who loves them and transforms them into a needy and dependent being.

We often don’t notice that certain attitudes of our partner can harm us. The biggest problem with toxic beings is that they are present in our inner circle and it’s a little hard to believe that they want to hurt us.

How to detect a toxic partner?

Signs can be more than subtle and even contradictory. However, if we pay attention, we will realize that our partner can be toxic if:

Does not allow you to grow in the personal field

  • It may be that he doesn’t want you to pursue a profession, work outside the home, or grow up intellectually by taking a course.
  • Whenever you share an idea or project, you will do your best to bring it down.
  • He looks for excuses so that you cannot develop your passions, as you may feel that this way you will abandon him or be no longer interested in love.

tell you how to dress

You need to know how to differentiate when a comment is good or malicious. If, for example, you are wearing an outfit that is not suitable for the situation or place you are going, you should not take it as a comment from someone toxic.

However, if  for each chosen outfit there is a fight,  if he accompanies you to buy and choose your clothes and tells you how to dress at all times, be careful.

makes you feel guilty about everything

A toxic partner is said to act like a vampire who, instead of sucking blood, draws energy.

Also, they do or say what they can to  make you feel guilty about everything that happens to you.  As if all the problems were your responsibility.

When he gets angry and screams, it’s because you’ve done something bad. If he gets a little aggressive, it’s because of his mistakes. Or, when they argue, he never acknowledges his own mistakes. Keep an eye out as these are signs of someone trying to weaken you.

watch your stuff

He may ask for your email or Facebook password  look at your cell phone history, and even check your pocket and personal drawers at home.

He’s always looking for some reason (real or not) to argue  and to make you feel bad.

He doesn’t trust you and believes you are cheating him, lying or doing “what he doesn’t like.”

Because he doesn’t believe his words, he needs to keep an eye on his things to calm insecurities or jealousy. With this attitude, without a doubt, it does not respect your privacy.

has a lot of power over you

A toxic partner is characterized by playing the role of “alpha” in the relationship.

This means that he doesn’t allow you to give his opinion and tries to change your opinion, doesn’t pay attention to your words or isn’t interested in your feelings.

If the other person has too much power over you and your decisions, it’s not healthy for either of you.

Remember that  you have enough autonomy and independence to decide  what to wear, what to eat, what to say, and who to spend your time with.

Control what you spend

  • You argue that money can only be used for certain matters determined by your preferences or ideas.
  • Keep track of every penny you have in your wallet or want to know how much each thing you bought cost.
  • It says that the payment for both must be in a joint account to be more secure or does not allow you to use it as you believe to be convenient.

Be careful with all these situations, as they  are ways the toxic partner has at their disposal to control and nullify you as a person.

Not recognizing your achievements

For a toxic person, the other is never good, nor does he deserve to be congratulated. If you were promoted, graduated, or achieved your goal, it will belittle your achievements.

He won’t admire or praise anything you do and will focus only on the flaws  and the bad.

For example: “because of your new job, you will spend less time with me” or “now that you are a professional you will look for someone more agreeable and will leave me”.

This can “snowball” if, at a meeting with friends and family, the person gets mad at you or discredits you in front of others.

It may be that she makes a joke that is not amusing or that she is  disrespectful, belittling or belittling your achievements. 

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