Silicon Valley Diet: Why Is It So Popular?

There are several diets that will help you regain your appearance. On this occasion you will know everything you need to know about the famous Silicon Valley diet and how to apply it to lose weight.
Silicon Valley Diet: Why is it so popular?

There are a plethora of diets, with ill-considered names. Of so many in the catalogue, you certainly don’t know which one to choose. Today we’re going to talk about the Silicon Valley diet.

Maybe you haven’t heard of her, but she’s very famous in the place that gives her that name. Silicon Valley is located in California, United States, and is known as the hub where all high-tech computer companies converge.

However, in addition to imposing new electronic creations, they often innovate with cultural trends, new combinations of clothes and strange haircuts. But that’s not all, they now focus their attention on this controversial diet.

What is the Silicon Valley Diet

The Silicon Valley Diet is the new weight-loss method that has won over many in the tech capital. It stood out as a novelty given the classic look that nutritionists promote in food plans.

Coffee for the Silicon Valley Diet

It consists of two simple steps: fasting and drinking exorbitant amounts of coffee. Without a doubt, it is not without controversy, because it may help to eliminate excess pounds. However, what about the nutrients the body needs to function properly?

It’s a valid question, but those who advocate this method justify it with two very precise arguments:

  1. Fasting allows you to regulate the feeling of hunger and generates satiety . In addition, it facilitates the control of glucose present in the blood.
  2. Through fat oxidation, caffeine produces more energy . Because of this, you can be active every time you drink a lot of coffee.

fasting and our body

Phil Libin is the main promoter of the Silicon Valley diet. He is the former CEO of Evernote and throughout his career has devoted himself to developing artificial intelligence research and inventions. Your eating routine consists of fasting for two to eight days, adding only coffee, tea and water.

When I could eat normally, I did it in very select restaurants in San Francisco. The next day he went back to fasting.

This trend was known as biohacking , which translates to “sabotaging” our bodies. Libin explained on several occasions that this technique helped him to have more concentration, better mood and a steadier contribution of energy.

Libin’s achievements

During this process, Phil Libin lost a total of 40 pounds. The biohacking that he implemented surpassed the benefits of the diet and not only achieved a better state of health, but also improved his intellectual performance.

Man on the Silicon Valley Diet

Libin has introduced itself more strongly in its work market, becoming one of the most competitive pieces. This string of successes has made the Silicon Valley diet known there as a true food revolution.

Why is she so popular?

The Silicon Valley Diet has many supporters in the tech niche. One of them is Geoffrey Woo, co-founder of HVMN, one of the best-known e-commerce platforms in the world.

Considered a tech guru, Woo says biohacking provides the mental clarity every CEO needs. As part of his experience with the Silicon Valley diet, he promoted that his employees base their diet on pure water for seven consecutive days.

In this way, he measured his blood glucose and ketone levels.  Faced with the decrease in glucose, ketones appear that survive with the fat stored in the body.

Woo argues that although dizziness and nausea appear, ketones boost mental health. In this way, this proposal has had an impact on the minds of younger entrepreneurs.

Is it a good decision or a bad one?

Aitor Sánchez, nutritionist and diet expert, Spanish author of the book “Mi ya diet in cojea” , published an article in El País on this subject , entitled , “What is the diet of Silicon Valley? New feature?” There he explains that weight loss occurs not by fasting, but because the person eats less.

In the Silicon Valley diet it is forbidden not to eat

So it’s not a new method. However, we need to be alert because this regimen only considers mental health and forgets our physical needs. “This diet is neither about the ideal way to lose weight, nor the most comfortable or intuitive one,” said Sánchez.

Definitely,  the Silicon Valley diet is a radical practice to lose weight. Therefore, before you decide to undergo this regimen, it is worth visiting an expert who will guide you along this path and who will recommend you a diet model developed for your body and your needs.

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