Soy Protein: Good Or Bad For Health?

In this article, find out whether or not the soy protein controversy has scientific foundations by analyzing its benefits and the possible risks that the studies assess. Don’t miss it!
Soy protein: good or bad for health?

Soy can be consumed in different ways, either as soy beans or in a variety of products that are made with it, such as tofu or soy milk. However,  there is great controversy over the health benefits of soy protein.

Vegans and vegetarians get protein from soy. However,  is soy protein really good, or perhaps it is bad for your health? Review with us the different scientific researches.

Nutritional properties of soy

soy cheese

Soy provides a high nutritional quality protein,  that is, it contains the nine essential amino acids for the body. This is precisely what makes it an essential food for vegans and vegetarians.

Cooked soybeans provide about 127 kilocalories for every 100 grams and about 12 grams of protein; 5.5 grams of fat; 10 grams of carbohydrates; as well as 4 grams of fiber for the same amount.

Thus, the best option to enjoy its benefits is to consume the whole soybean beans or those products that are made with them, such as tempeh , miso or tofu . These products do not contain preservatives or added sugars or fats.

Soy protein powder

If we refer specifically to soy protein powder which is made with defatted soy beans to eliminate fiber and sugars, it is possible to say that its nutritional properties are for every 28 grams:

  • 95 calories
  • 1 gram of fat
  • 2 grams of carbohydrates
  • 1.6 grams of fiber
  • 23 grams of protein
  • 25% of the required daily amount of iron
  • 22% of the recommended daily allowance of phosphorus
  • 22% of the recommended daily value of copper
  • 21% of the recommended daily dose of manganese

Soy protein powder is a source of protein, however it contains phytates, components  that can reduce mineral absorption.

The Soy Protein Controversy

Cheese and soy

Criticisms about the protein from soy came because of its components: isoflavones and phytoestrogens. In the past, they have been linked to cancer cell growth, fertility and thyroid problems.

soy and cancer

In 2010, a study found that women who had had a moderate consumption of soy throughout their lives had  a lower risk of suffering breast cancer than those who did not consume such food.

Still, it is also worth noting that the same research found no relationship between an increased risk of this class of cancer and a moderate consumption of isoflavones.

Relationship between soy and fertility

Soy protein is rich in phytoestrogens, a compound similar to estrogens but produced in plants. In short,  these compounds have been associated with changing hormone levels.

Research has not come to any conclusions that support lowering testosterone from soy consumption. On the contrary,  no changes were observed in men consuming soy protein. 

Thyroid and soy problems

The last concern regarding habitual soy protein consumption is a  possible increase in thyroid problems.

While most studies have not found a direct relationship between the two, a 2011 survey found an  increase in the progression of subclinical hypothyroidism to overt hypothyroidism in those who regularly consume soy. Despite this, further studies are needed.

If you suffer from hypothyroidism,  consult with your doctor before deciding to increase your soy protein intake. You may need to regulate your thyroid medication knowing the change in diet.

genetically modified food

Finally, the controversy focuses on the fact that soy products are often genetically modified. However, today,  there is no scientific evidence that there are adverse health effects  when comparing genetically modified soy protein with unmodified soy protein.

Benefits of Soy Protein

Soy milk

This protein could help reduce bad cholesterol as well as breast cancer risk.

Including soy protein in the diet can have some health benefits, such as:

  1. A reduction in bad cholesterol (LDL) and an increase in good cholesterol (HDL).
  2. Some studies have linked regular consumption of this protein to a  reduced risk of breast cancer.
  3. Habitual consumption can  reduce the risk of getting prostate cancer.
  4. Soy is an excellent  source of vegetable protein,  perfect for those people who do not consume animal protein, either for health problems or because of convictions.
  5. It can help reduce menopause symptoms. However, so far the data about it are not conclusive.

Soy protein has benefits for the body and  its side effects, to date, have not been conclusively determined. Therefore, if you want to increase your consumption, consult your doctor or nutritionist, they are the best professionals to advise on the matter.

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