Stuffed Eggplants: 2 Recipes To Try

It is very important to point out that eggplant is a food that, if consumed raw, can become toxic, which is why we must cook it well to avoid problems.
Stuffed eggplants: 2 recipes to taste

One option that is both healthy and nutritious is to prepare stuffed eggplants. It is more common to find derivatives of this ingredient in pasta, or some type of garnish, including as an appetizer. But would you believe us if we say that it is possible to make lasagna and, even better, tortillas with it?

And what makes this possible is the versatility of the eggplant itself. It is well known that in its natural state it is delicate and smooth in appearance, but it  undergoes interesting changes when using various cooking methods.

Another important aspect in relevance and appropriate to highlight is that it is highly recommended for health, especially for the prevention of airborne diseases. It strengthens the immune system and thanks to its antiviral and antibacterial properties its consumption is more than suggested.

Also, if you are the type of person who suffers from fluid retention or weight problems,  consuming stuffed eggplants will make us go to the bathroom more because of their diuretic and antioxidant effects . Below are 2 recipes that you can prepare stuffed eggplants.

2 options for preparing stuffed eggplants

1. Eggplant lasagna stuffed

Although lasagna is usually made from meat or chicken, today we bring you this peculiar but incredible recipe with eggplant, healthy and nutritious.

Eggplant lasagna


  • 2 eggplants cut into slices
  • 4 scoops of extra virgin olive oil (60 ml)
  • 1 pinch of salt (15 g)
  • 1 pinch of ground black pepper (15 g)
  • 1 1/2 cup of homemade tomato sauce (375 ml)
  • 4 boneless chicken breasts
  • 2 cups of ricotta or mozzarella cheese (300 g)
  • 3 eggs

Method of preparation

  1. First, wash the eggplants very well without removing the skin.
  2. Then, preheat the oven to 180 ºC while carrying out the other steps.
  3. Afterwards, cut the eggplants into strips (preferably in cross-sections).
  4. On the other hand, have an oven tray in hand and place the eggplant strips on it. Then use a brush and apply oil so that they do not stick when entering the oven.
  5. With enough salt and pepper, season the strips and place them in the oven for 10 minutes until they are soft.
  6. Meanwhile, in a frying pan with a little oil,  saute the diced chicken breasts with the rest of the ingredients  (salt, pepper, tomato sauce, eggs and ricotta cheese) until well integrated.
  7. Afterwards, remove the eggplants from the oven, let it cool a little and then start assembling the lasagna.
  8. Now, do it this way: eggplant strips, layer of chicken stuffing, layer of cheese (your favorite), spoons of sauce, again layer of eggplant.
  9. Finally, put it in the oven for 30 minutes and then let it cool to be able to cut it better.

2. Stuffed eggplant tortilla

Eggplant stuffed with cheese

In many countries, the most famous tortillas are made with potatoes, but that does not mean that it is not possible to make them with eggplant. In fact, preparing eggplants and making them in this style  will give you the chance to combine them with other similar ingredients  like peppers, zucchini or tomatoes. It’s a matter of creativity.


  • 5 eggplants
  • 7 eggs
  • 3 shallots
  • 1 spoon of salt (15 g)
  • 1 spoon of black pepper (15 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (30 ml)

Method of preparation

  • First, start by cutting into cubes both the shallots and the eggplants and set them aside.
  • Afterwards, in a skillet with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, sauté the cubes of shallots and eggplants for about 5 minutes.
  • Afterwards, mash them as best you can until they are almost flat. Turn off the heat for a moment and be sure to drain the excess oil so that you can remove and reserve the pureed shallots and eggplant you have made.
  • On the other hand, in a bowl, break the eggs and beat them vigorously until you notice the foam. Return the skillet to the fire, let it heat up and pour the egg mixture together with the eggplant and shallots mixture.
  • Let it slowly curdle with the heat and don’t forget to add salt and pepper.
  • Also, use a large pot lid to rotate the tortilla in the pan. Repeat until cooked on both sides of the tortilla.
  • Finally, if you like, spread a little more ground black pepper and a touch of cheese of your choice. You can now enjoy its delicious preparation.

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