Things You Shouldn’t Tell People With Depression

As we don’t know what the person suffering from depression feels, we shouldn’t question their condition, much less minimize their illness.

Supporting someone suffering from depression can be tricky. Sometimes it’s tempting to walk away from the person rather than take a chance and start saying things that could make the situation worse.

Don’t do this: the friend or relative who lives with this disorder needs you more than ever.

You just need to keep in mind that some of these well-meaning phrases can have a different meaning for someone who suffers from depression. The last thing a person in this situation needs is to feel misunderstood about their emotional state.

What you should never say to someone who is suffering from depression:

 “Why can’t you just be happy?”

Depression causes the mind to distort the view of the world and always see everything from the angle of negativity and sadness. Talking about happiness  can be more discouraging to someone who is not able to see it right now.

There is no quick fix, and insisting on hoping for a quick change can reinforce feelings of despondency and self-attack.

“Therapies and medications are for those who suffer from depression”

Medicines for Depression Sufferers

People are always afraid to ask for help because of the stigma that mental illness brings with it. They may be afraid to expose how they feel, since we live in a culture where only those who produce a lot are valued.

Medications are also major causes of stress due, again, to prejudiced ideas and stories of addiction or side effects. All of this is coupled with a general fear of altering the psyche or “losing” yourself.

It’s good to mention the need for therapy, but don’t force anyone to take this path.

Most of the time it takes a little time to take this step.

“Just focus on getting over it”

People who are not depressed do not have decreased physical or psychic energy, but these two factors are very common in patients with depression.

With the intention of being able to help, you might tell the depressed person that they should get up and do something to get better, like going out, traveling, or trying to have fun.

While this phrase is understandable, for those suffering from depression it is a factor that further increases hopelessness. The depressed person is the first to want to overcome this feeling, but he doesn’t know how.

Your mood, thoughts and behavior are beyond your control and especially if you are suffering from severe depression.

“It’s not so bad, other people are in worse shape”

girl with depression

Nobody wants to be compared to starving children living in conflict zones or a person with terminal illness. Why force the person with depression to think about it? Do you really think she will feel better?

Depression sufferers often have thoughts that become psychotic and delusional. When you insist on setting other people’s lives as an example, the depressed person feels worse.

Although your intention is good, you will not be able to help her in any way by saying this sentence.

“You will be better tomorrow”

This condition is not something that improves overnight. This false expectation discourages depression sufferers even more.

Only those who have ever experienced a depressive episode really know how deep the pain, suffering and hopelessness is.

With the proper medical approach, it will be possible to overcome this depressive state, but it takes time.

Saying this type of phrase only makes the person with depression feel more uncomfortable and incapable.

“It’s your fault”

girl with depression

We make judgments all the time, which is a serious mistake, as we are based solely on judgment of personal values, lack of information and ignorance of the subject.

From early times, man has been influenced to relate depression to sin.

This condition would be a punishment for man having violated some law of the “gods”. However, we can see people who, when talking about depressive processes, allude to issues related to sins and punishments.

This attitude has dramatic consequences, as it worsens the state of those who suffer from depression.

“Don’t be so negative”

It’s hard to be around someone with depression. Your low energy and gloomy mood can “contaminate” you, which is why people instinctively back away.

Sometimes we go so far as to openly express the anxiety that the depressed person causes.

Yes, we know that maybe his humor doesn’t help you. However, saying this to people with depression makes them feel very lonely and increases their negative emotions.

The best way to help is to be supportive and provide as much support as possible to find the right resources to deal with the problem.

Depression is a serious problem

No, depression is not purely psychological and has no specific healing time. It doesn’t even have an exact reason.

In the end, depression is failing to see meaning in life due to millions of different factors, such as family problems, death of loved ones or professional failures, among others.

After all, without exception, depression means facing a daily struggle to survive. Keep this in mind when you come up with such advice because it certainly won’t be helping those who suffer from depression.

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