Tips For Reducing Belly Fat And Fluid Retention

Since there are no miracle cures, it is very important that, to eliminate fat and fight fluid retention, we combine natural recipes with exercise, healthy habits and plenty of water.
Tips for reducing belly fat and fluid retention

The abdomen is one of the areas of our body that tends to retain fluid more easily over the years and where its effects are externalized. Today we’ll talk about tips for reducing belly fat and fluid retention.

Lifestyle, diet, lack of physical activity, among other factors, can cause our abdomen to accumulate fat or fluid, making it look bloated and affecting our physical shape.

In most cases, we try to burn fat to look more pleasing, and the abdomen is a very difficult area to work on.

In order to achieve a straight belly, free of fat or bloating, we’ll share below the best tips for reducing localized fat and fluid retention in the belly, which, as we already know, is another impediment to achieving a straight abdomen.

6 Key Tips to Reduce Belly Fat and Fluid Retention


  • Avoid excess sodium: it is very important to consider that we should considerably reduce the consumption of salt or choose another alternative to season food. Too much salt is one of the main causes of fluid retention in the belly, and almost all of us make the mistake of over-consuming it. It is also convenient to add the consumption of foods rich in potassium, as this neutralizes sodium levels and helps to balance the body’s pH.
  • Exercise: The most effective way to reduce or even eliminate abdominal fat and keep your belly flat is by exercising. The ideal is to have a good aerobic activity session and complement it with abdominal exercises to tone up.
  • Drink more water: Drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach is ideal for preventing fluid retention in the belly. In addition, water has also been proven to improve metabolism, which encourages fat burning.

More tips

  • Consume more diuretic foods: Diuretic foods are ideal for eliminating liquids retained in the body and those toxins that can make us gain weight. The ideal is to increase the consumption of diuretic foods such as pineapple, artichokes, watermelon, tomatoes, asparagus, among others.
  • Sleep well:  This simple habit is the key to eliminating abdominal fat and losing weight in general. Sleeping less than 6 hours can stimulate the production of a hormone called cortisol, which promotes the storage of belly fat.
  • Eating well and healthy: it is very important to change our eating habits and eliminate all those foods that we know make us gain weight from our diet. We must considerably increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. It is also important to distribute meals in 5 or 6 servings a day, chew your food well and for no reason skip breakfast.

Homemade recipe to reduce belly fat and fluid retention

belly fluid retention

As fat and fluid retention are our main impediments to getting our belly straight.

We’ll share with you a very effective homemade recipe that helps fight fluid retention in the belly and eliminate those toxins and waste products that make our abdomens look more bloated.


  • 1 teaspoon of dandelion powder.
  • 1 piece of ginger.
  • 1 cardamom seed.
  • 1 piece of cinnamon.
  • 5 mint leaves.
  • 1 cup and a half of water.
  • Bee honey (optional).

Method of preparation

Place all ingredients in water, with the exception of honey. Then bring to the fire and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes. Finally, strain the tea, sweeten with honey and consume 2 to 4 cups a day.

Important: dandelion tea is contraindicated for people who suffer from gallbladder-related problems. It is recommended to avoid its consumption and consult a doctor in advance.

Remember if!

This recipe is to reduce fat and combat fluid retention in the belly and can help you achieve a straight belly.

Don’t forget that there are no miracle products to reduce fat, but with discipline, commitment and a few tricks, we can achieve the body we so desire.

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