Tomato, A Great Option For Losing Weight

Tomatoes can be very effective for those who want to lose weight. Know more!
Tomato, a great option to lose weight

In addition to being very tasty, tomatoes are  one of the most consumed fruits in the world. As well as being responsible for that wonderful red tone that we give to our dishes.

Tomatoes can be very  effective for those who want to lose weight. This essential ingredient in the kitchen, has in its composition a series of benefits for the  body. And the best part: it is possible to  consume it in many different ways.

Source of therapeutic properties

Tomatoes can be eaten raw, in the form of a sauce, fried, roasted, boiled or roasted. As well as in the form of juices  and wherever more imagination allows us to use it.

Plus, it’s delicious and at the same time refreshing and nourishing.

According to several researches, tomatoes can  prevent heart attacks and cancer. Also, it is good for fighting other types of illnesses.

It is excellent for:

  • Cholesterol reduction.
  • Fight infections.
  • Reduce uric acid.
  • Strengthen the immune system.
  • Relieve joint pain or pain caused by arthritis and osteoarthritis.
Tomatoes have several benefits

Nutritional data

Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, B, C, PP and K; as well as in minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, zinc, magnesium, potassium, sodium and manganese. Furthermore, it has a high content of bioflavonoids, lycopene and contains antioxidant properties.

In addition, an average 150g tomato has only 35 calories and 0% cholesterol, sodium and saturated fat.

However, it is possible to take advantage of these advantages when tomatoes are consumed  processed and cooked, as our bodies absorb lycopene this way better than raw or in juices.

When buying, opt for those with a medium color, between green and purple; because, once stored, depending on the storage time, it continues to mature.

Tomatoes have several nutrients

Does eating tomatoes help you lose weight?

According to those who have tested it, this diet helps to shed 2 kg in 3 days as well as  detoxify the body.

It is recommended for smokers, coffee addicts, those suffering from cellulite and those who want to lose weight.

However, it is not only interesting for these people, but also for everyone who wants to eliminate toxins and avoid disease.

In addition, the diet should be accompanied by 2 liters of water a day, an hour-long walk, and aerobic exercise.

How it works?

– On an empty stomach: a fresh tomato juice. If you prefer, you can add a mint leaf.

– Breakfast: two tomatoes cooked and seasoned with rosemary.

– Lunch: tomato salad, brown peppers and soy beans seasoned with olive oil and lemon.

– In the afternoon: the same recipe as the fast.

– Dinner: the same recipe as for lunch.

– Before bed: repeat the fasting recipe.

– Additional for when hunger strikes outside these times: liquefy 5 mint leaves, half a lemon with the skin, a carrot, 2 glasses of mineral water and half a tomato.

tomato.The Little Squirrel

Images provided by: The Ewan, Daniel Hurst Photography, Further Epicure and The Little Squirrel.

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