Top 6 Fruits With Anti-aging Properties

In addition to being effective against fluid retention, avocado is rich in protein and vitamin E, and therefore prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Consuming fruits daily is one of the best alternatives to provide our body with vitamins and minerals, but there are some fruits that stand out for their powerful anti-aging and antioxidant properties.

Next, we will explain what these fruits are so that the reader can include them daily in your menu in order to reduce aging rates, both inside and out, which will contribute to your well-being, vitality and give you a more radiant appearance.

Red blueberry for antiaging

Red fruits, in general, are essential due to their multiple health benefits, but the type of fruit that stands out is the blueberry, after all, it has rejuvenating properties both in terms of beauty and in terms of health in general.

Blueberry offers us carotenoids and anthocyanins, very precious components for their ability to fight free radicals, which are the cause of aging in our skin and our bodies.

It is rich in vitamins A, C and B in smaller amounts. As for its mineral content, it contains calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium. Its main properties are:

  • It helps us keep the brain functioning well and enhance memory;
  • Prevents and naturally treats urinary infections;
  • Improves vision problems such as difficulty seeing in the dark;
  • It is laxative when consumed mature;
  • It has debugging properties;
  • It cares for and keeps the skin young and firm, as it protects collagen and strengthens tissues. Many cosmetics include blueberry among their components;
Anti-aging berries

Papaya for antiaging

Papaya is a gift from nature and, even though in some countries it is a very exotic fruit, in our territory it is very easy to get it. Its main medicinal properties are:

  • It causes an alkaline effect on our body, ideal for combating acidity that causes disease and ages the body;
  • Fights constipation;
  • Facilitates the skin tan;
  • Improves and prevents skin blemishes or eczema;
  • It is highly anti-inflammatory and analgesic, which is essential for health, considering that most chronic diseases involve inflammation and/or pain;
  • Its seeds help us to eliminate intestinal parasites, which are more common than we think;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • It is an essential food for all types of gastric disorders, such as ulcers, colitis, gastroenteritis, irritable bowel, etc. The digestive system must be healthy to ensure a good quality of life and thus prevent premature aging.

Grape for antiaging

The anti-aging properties of wine are already well known, but the truth is that these benefits come from the grape, which eliminates the need to consume the alcohol itself.

The component in question is called resveratrol, a molecule that is beneficial to health, found in grapes and that helps fight cell aging, the external signs of aging and diseases in general.

Furthermore, resveratrol also prevents metabolic, inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases. To enjoy these benefits, we recommend the consumption of fresh, freshly made grape juice, including its skin and seeds.

Anti-aging grape juice

Avocado for antiaging

Avocado is a highly nutritious and complete fruit, from which we can even consume the seed, which also allows us to prepare facial and hair masks, etc.

Avocados are rich in protein and healthy fats, which nourish the skin and body in general.

Its high content in vitamin E helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles, in addition, avocado fights fluid retention and helps prevent cardiovascular disease.

Mangosteen for antiaging

We hear more and more about this exotic fruit and its amazing benefits. Among them, we can mention:

  • They have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties;
  • Increases vitality;
  • Helps you lose weight;
  • Prevents cardiovascular disease;
  • Its content in catechins has a very high antioxidant power;
  • If used externally, it helps us treat eczema, dermatitis, acne, psoriasis, etc.;
  • Take care of our kidneys;
  • Improves our digestive function;
  • Contains tryptophan, which offers well-being and improves depression;
  • It increases our defenses.

Knowing these properties, we are left with reasons to consume this fruit, which can be easily found. We can also choose to buy it already in the form of juice, in natural product houses.

Anti-aging mangosteen


Rich in polyphenols, pomegranate stands out for its great antioxidant power and its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

It is rich in potassium and provides a considerable amount of magnesium, phosphorus and iron to the body. Contains vitamins C, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin) and niacin.

Its antioxidant compounds reduce our body’s oxidative stress, both to prevent diseases (cardiovascular, cancer, anemia, uric acid, etc.) and to maintain the health of our skin cells.

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