Treat Diabetes With Stevia And Cinnamon

Stevia helps us regulate glucose levels, while cinnamon increases insulin sensitivity. We will take 3 infusions a day, always under medical supervision.

Type 2 diabetes is a disease that affects the way the body uses glucose. Therefore, this stevia and cinnamon remedy will allow us to regulate glucose levels naturally.

What is type 2 diabetes?

It is the most common type of diabetes. It usually presents itself gradually. In this case, the pancreas produces insulin, but it is not used properly.

Treatment can be drug-based, insulin-based, or both. It does not usually cause specific symptoms and may go unnoticed.

We must treat and control this disease, otherwise, over time, damage to the eyes, kidneys and nerves, heart disease, stroke and even the need to amputate a limb may appear.

Stevia and cinnamon treatment

The specialist doctor will evaluate the case and give a treatment. A more restricted diet will be essential, in addition, we can improve significantly if we exercise regularly, controlling our weight and following natural advice.

In this article we will present the two best natural remedies: stevia and cinnamon.

the stevia

Stevia Rebaudiana has become known in recent years, despite being originally from Paraguay, where it has always been consumed.

This plant has demonstrated its excellent properties, not only as a natural no-calorie sweetener, but also for its multiple properties. The first one is to regulate glucose levels.

We can take three daily infusions, directly from the extract or in pills. It is essential that it be the pure extract, dark in color, and not a refined sweetener that has been stripped of its properties.


the cinnamon

Some studies have shown that cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) lowers glucose, cholesterol and lipid levels in people with type 2 diabetes and even keeps them low for a while after consuming it.

According to these studies, cinnamon increases insulin sensitivity, which controls glucose levels and, in addition, is also very beneficial due to its high level of antioxidants.

We can take it in pills or usually consume it with meals, in teas and with vegetable drinks.

The recommended daily allowance for treating diabetes is between one and six grams, that is, one teaspoon of powdered cinnamon a day.


How to treat stevia and cinnamon?

If we want to carry out a natural treatment based on stevia and cinnamon, we recommend first consulting a conventional doctor or a homeopathic doctor. 

The form of treatment is to establish a specific time between one to three months, during which we will drink three infusions daily. One in the morning, one after lunch and one in the afternoon.

We will prepare the infusions by boiling for five minutes two tablespoons of stevia leaf or powder and one teaspoon of powdered cinnamon. Note if both are of good quality and provenance.

If the infusion is too sweet, we recommend adding a little lemon juice.

Other advice

During the treatment, we recommend to follow up with our trusted doctor, so that he can monitor the blood glucose levels and can observe the effects of these two plants, in order to also control the levels of medications.

We can also add to our diet other foods that can be very beneficial:

  • Brewer’s yeast: contains chromium, which regulates sugar levels.
  • Fresh Watercress: Also contains chromium.
  • Fresh pea, which acts as a plant insulin.
  • Natural and whole grain, mainly rice and oats, which regulates blood sugar levels.
  • Natural coconut water, with hypoglycemic action.
  • Reishi, maitake and shiitake mushrooms, regulators of glucose levels and with much more properties for our body.

In addition, we must strictly follow medical guidelines, exercise regularly, sunbathe outside peak hours and naturally treat any type of emotional problem we may have.

Everything that influences our well-being and inevitably conditions the evolution of any disease.

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