Weaning From The Baby: How To Introduce The First Foods?

Weaning your baby is a crucial time in your child’s life. Therefore, the process must be carried out with patience and remembering that it is common to have a certain initial rejection.
Weaning the baby: how to introduce the first foods?

Weaning a baby is the process by which he stops consuming breast milk. This step can be performed at different ages, as how and when to start is something that depends on each family. In any case, it should be a gradual and loving experience.

Weaning is influenced by biological, social and cultural aspects. Science has not established how and when it should be done, although it is known that exclusive breastfeeding is very necessary for up to 6 months and, according to the World Health Organization, breastfeeding can be maintained for up to two years or more.

A variable process

In Inuit culture, for example, breastfeeding is practiced until around 7 years of age. On the other hand, in Western cultures, these long periods are not common. When and how to finish is a decision that has to do with the social aspects and with each mother and her child.

However, some international entities indicate that breastfeeding should be extended to a maximum of 2 years. It is also recommended that, up to 6 months, the child is fed only with breast milk, exclusively, as it contains all the necessary nutrients for this phase.

Exclusive breastfeeding
The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for up to 6 months.

Types of Weaning a Baby

Baby weaning can be of different types. Forced is one that must be done for medical reasons or other force majeure reasons  that prevent the continuation of breastfeeding. Examples of this are prolonged mother-infant separation or infectious diseases.

Voluntary weaning is done at the request of the child or at the request of the mother. In the first case, it may happen that the child does not want to continue breastfeeding or that he gradually loses interest. On the other hand, in the second, the mother decides to stop breastfeeding for personal or work reasons.

It must be borne in mind that the baby may express his displeasure when weaning if it was not his initiative. This is a process that requires effort and the ideal is to carry it out gradually, with a lot of patience.

How to introduce the first solid foods?

Guidelines on when to start introducing solid foods and what this offering should look like have changed over time. Pediatricians generally recommend that your baby start drinking solids when he can hold his head up and open his mouth when he feels food approaching. This ranges from 4 to 6 months.

The baby who has never eaten solid foods may experience difficulties and even rejection of the first meals. It is advisable to give half a scoop at a time to make it easier to move food from the front of the mouth to the back. You can give him a few spoonfuls of breast milk before the meal, so that the situation doesn’t seem too awkward.

It is not good to force the baby to eat. The important thing is to try to sing for him and play games that help him gradually join the new learning. If he has not eaten enough to feed himself, he should be fed breast milk or a bottle.

There are two ways to introduce the first solid foods into the baby’s diet : the traditional one, which includes baby food at first and then foods with other textures, and the baby-regulated one, in which he can pick up pieces of food with his little hands, put them in the mouth and taste them, and thus adapt better to solid foods.

Supplement to breastfeeding
Weaning is a long process that requires patience. Other types of milk can be used as a supplement, if necessary.

Baby Weaning Tips

Weaning the baby must be progressive. This process of interrupting breast milk as the main food is not the same for all babies. In children under 12 months, it is performed by gradually reducing consumption. On the other hand, in older children, it is customary to use the method of distraction, such as playing games or going for a walk.

You can tell the child that you will “breastfeed” when you get home, or distract them with a toy that catches their attention and makes them forget, for a moment, about their desire to breastfeed. When the baby has developed some understanding, you can negotiate with him; for example, he will only drink breast milk before bed.

It is important to note that  a baby’s weaning should not begin at crucial times in his life, such as when he has just entered day care, has recently moved house, or is experiencing the arrival of a younger sibling. This should also not be done during so-called growth peaks.

It is important to keep in mind that weaning is stressful for the child. For this reason, the ideal is to be very patient and not give up.

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