What Are The Causes Of The Presence Of Mucus In The Stool?

If you are having episodes in which you distinguish mucus in your stool, you are probably suffering from a digestive disorder. Find out what the most frequent causes are and determine what it is.
What are the causes of the presence of mucus in the stool?

The digestive system has several membranes throughout the intestine that secrete mucus in order to keep the intestines completely lubricated and make all food easier to transit, according to this study carried out by the University of Costa Rica.

With mucus in normal amounts, the digestive system works well and there is a constant absorption of nutrients and elimination of waste through the stool.

But everything changes when the presence of mucus in the stool is more abundant than normal and becomes more noticeable, as it could represent an infectious process or some illness that means something is going wrong inside your digestive system.

What can cause the presence of abundant mucus in the stool?

  • Amebiasis, as stated in this study conducted by the University of Zulia, Venezuela.
  • Ulcerative colitis, as suggested by this study by the Hospital Clínico Universitario Ramón e Cajal, in Madrid.
  • Colonic polyps, as stated in this study by the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons.
  • Diverticulitis. This research, carried out also by the University Hospital Ramón e Cajal, in Madrid, suggests this.

Know the diseases that cause mucus in the stool 

Ulcerative Colitis

man with malaise

In this situation,  the entire colonic mucosa becomes progressively inflamed until ulcers develop.

This is due to the constant irritation that the intestine presents without the protection of acids, which leads not only to discomfort, but also to characteristic symptoms such as abundant mucus in the stool.

bacterial infections

There are many bacteria that are found in normal conditions in the colon and in different parts of the intestine, helping in the digestion process.

However,  when the balance of bacteria breaks down, they can lead to the appearance of infections  with symptoms that accompany not only diarrhea, but other symptoms such as the presence of mucus in the stool or, in some cases, blood streaks, requiring treatment Immediate doctor.

Bowel obstruction

woman with tummy ache

When we do not drink enough water, over time there can be an uncontrolled secretion of gastric hormones, as well as the possibility of fungal infections forming.

The consequence is the frequent periods of constipation,  which over time obstruct the intestinal transit from the constant production of mucus in the stool, often requiring surgical intervention.

This study, carried out by the Alamedilla Health Center in Salamanca, Spain, also states that it could be a warning sign regarding the appearance of other infections, such as Crohn’s Disease.


man with digestive problems

Inside the colon are small anatomical pouches known as diverticula. When they become inflamed, they cause an irritating condition called diverticulitis, which in the long term causes the appearance of mucus in the stool in addition to other accompanying symptoms, often abdominal pain and the appearance of blood in the fecal material as well.

Colon polyps

Polyps in any area of ​​the colon  cause an irritation that damages the mucus-secreting membranes,  causing them to excrete directly in the feces, and also indicates that behind the mucus there may be a colonic cyst with its consequences.

Crohn ‘s  Disease

colonoscopy image

This, as it is a chronic disease, means that it will always present symptoms, as Crohn’s Disease is immunologically caused, only some of its clinical manifestations can be alleviated, without being able to have a definitive cure.

One of the signs that Crohn ‘s  disease  brings is mucus in the stool as a consequence of frequent inflammation of the colon  and secretory glands throughout its extension, requiring palliative treatment.

Once you know many of the causes of mucus in your stool, it will be much easier to determine which one is yours if you suffer from the problem.

If you know why, you can decide which type of doctor-guided treatment will be best for the condition you are experiencing in order to maintain the health of the large intestine at its maximum capacity and without any kind of changes in the environment.

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