What Are The Pros And Cons Of Drinking Coffee?

Is coffee good or bad for you? There are many contradictory answers. Learn more about the pros and cons of this popular drink in this article!
What are the pros and cons of drinking coffee?

Coffee is one of those special drinks that not only can be combined with any meal of the day, but can also be used to start conversations or drink out of simple habit. For many, drinking coffee is a great pleasure.

However, there are many  questions about whether it is a healthy food or not. This is due to the fact that it can sometimes aggravate different serious health problems, as indicated by a study by the University of Valladolid.

In this article, we’ll find out in detail what the pros and cons of drinking coffee are. What we already know is that we must always moderate their consumption.

Interesting data about coffee

Something we should know is that coffee is the second most consumed beverage in the world, after water. It is estimated that at least four hundred billion cups of coffee are consumed worldwide each year.

In which countries is your consumption more frequent? The leading countries in this ranking are Finland, Sweden and the Netherlands. Although in Spain a lot of coffee is also consumed; approximately 4.5 kg per person annually.

Coffee and painkillers

Interesting data about coffee

The relationship we can establish between coffee and painkillers is not unfounded. In fact, it is believed that it can be very beneficial to our health.

The reason for this is that combining coffee with the use of painkillers would increase its effects by 40%, which would speed up the drug’s response. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

We must take special care when combining coffee with other types of medication, whether they are analgesics or not. See a doctor first, or you could get into trouble.

Drinking coffee is beneficial to our health

Drinking coffee can bring many benefits to our health. Some of its properties can even make this drink an excellent way to prevent certain diseases. Let’s look at some of its benefits:

  • Effects against type 2 diabetes : although coffee is a drink rich in magnesium and chromium, substances that stimulate the body’s use of insulin and regulate blood sugar, according to a study carried out by the Carlos Haya University Hospital of Malaga, it is still It’s too early to talk about its supposed beneficial properties for this type of diabetes.
  • Decreases chances of developing mental disorders : according to a study by the Institute of Environmental Medicine in Sweden, drinking coffee regularly can make us 60% less likely to develop diseases or disorders such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Prevents constipation : although it works as a laxative, you must be careful. According to a study published by the Spanish Association of Gastroenterology, excessive consumption may contribute to the development of irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Improves physical performance : the caffeine contained in coffee helps increase levels of adrenaline, a hormone that prepares the body for significant physical efforts.
  • Fights depression : according to a survey conducted by Harvard University, coffee consumption helps to control depression. Again, this benefit is attributed to caffeine.

Problems that coffee can cause

Despite the benefits that coffee can bring us, the truth is that the consumption of this drink has a series of “side effects”. Let’s look at some of them:

  • Headache : as a study carried out by the Health Services of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru states, consuming coffee in large quantities can cause headaches and even migraines.
  • It harms gastrointestinal health : according to information from the University Hospital Ramon y Cajal, in Spain, coffee is an irritating beverage and its excessive consumption can cause ulcers and damage the intestine and stomach.
  • It affects our mood : coffee makes us more anxious and euphoric.
  • Increases the risk of miscarriage : during pregnancy, the recommendation is not to drink coffee, since, according to a survey carried out by the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, it alters the pregnant woman’s hormonal levels and puts her at serious risk of suffering a miscarriage.
Problems that coffee can cause

Although I have previously talked about how positive coffee is for people who suffer from constipation, its excessive consumption can cause diarrhea, cramps, the aforementioned irritable bowel syndrome and dyspepsia. For this reason, it is always best to consume it in moderation.

Coffee and hallucinations

According to a study by the University of Antioquia in Colombia, another consequence of drinking too much coffee is hallucinations. These can be visual (seeing things that are not real), auditory (hearing sounds that come out of nowhere) or in person (having the sensation of being accompanied by someone).

Hallucinations usually arise when consuming a large excess, which does not happen with moderate doses.

Moderate coffee consumption can be beneficial. In the case of people with stomach ulcers or pregnant women, the consumption of this drink should be stopped. In these situations, and in many others, it can end up doing harm.

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